Exports an integration from Oracle Integration Cloud as a .iar artifact that can be imported into different Integration Cloud Instances. If the connections are being managed by the operation, then a separate file will be created for each connection and any associated attachments. This operation will retrieve all needed connections from the integration. Lookups are also included in the integration export.
Either FDOIC_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE environment instance property value or FDOIC_INP_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE plugin input value should exist. When both exists, plugin input value will take precedence. See Creating/Editing a Cloud Account and Provider for details on how to setup Cloud Account for OIC.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OIC Account | FDOIC_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE | No | The OIC account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OIC Instance. |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Integration Identifier | FDOIC_INTEGRATION_IDENTIFIER | Yes | The identifier (code) of the integration being deployed |
Cloud Account Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OIC User | FDOICACCT_USERNAME | Yes | Username for the registered OIC account |
OIC Password | FDOICACCT_PASSWORD | Yes | Password for the registered OIC account |
OIC Base URI | FDOICACCT_BASE_URI | Yes | The REST Base URI of a running OIC Instance |
OIC Identity Base URI | FDOICACCT_IDENTITY_BASE_URI | No | The Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL (IDCS). E.G. https://idcs-1a2bc3de.identity.oraclecloud.com. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OIC Client Id | FDOICACCT_CLIENT_ID | No | The Oracle Identity Client Id. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OIC Client Secret | FDOICACCT_CLIENT_SECRET | No | The Oracle Identity Client Secret. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OIC Client Scope | FDOICACCT_CLIENT_SCOPE | No | The Oracle Identity Client Scope. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
FDOIC_INP_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE | No | The OIC account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OIC Instance. | |
Integration Version | FDOIC_INP_INTEGRATION_VERSION | No | Optional version of the integration, leave blank for latest. (e.g. 01.02.0000) |
Manage Connections | FDOIC_INP_MANAGE_CONNECTIONS | No | Boolean to indicate whether connections for this integration should be exported as an artifact. Default is true. The import Integration operation will automatically deploy any connections it finds in artifacts. |
Integration Identifier | FDOIC_INP_INTEGRATION_IDENTIFIER | No | Optional input for the integration identifier. This is intended to be used in a utility fashion. If this operation is being used in a standard build workflow then the project property should be used. |
OIC Version Logic | FDOIC_INP_VERSION_LOGIC | No | A select option deciding how the version should be found if no version is specified.
Output Name | Required | Description |
| No | The version number of the exported integration |
This operation produces artifacts that will be stored in the artifacts repository.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.
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