Creating/Editing an Messaging Instance

Creating/Editing an Messaging Instance

Select the Messaging tab for managing the Messaging account providers and accounts.  

Managing Accounts and Providers

Refer to Creating/Editing an Account and Provider page for more details for managing accounts and providers

Out-of-the-box Providers

Microsoft Teams and Slack are the FlexDeploy out-of-the-box providers with the default properties.

Default Provider Properties

Out-of-box account provider property key definition cannot be modified and will always be read-only. 





Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft Teams Client ID


Client ID of Application from Azure portal

Microsoft Teams Client Secret


Client Secret of Application from Azure portal

Microsoft Teams Tenant ID


Tenant ID of Application from Azure portal

Microsoft Teams UsernameStringUsername in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams PasswordStringThe password for provided Microsoft Teams Username
SlackBearer TokenStringBearer token generated by Slack after adding app to workspace.
Bot NameStringSets username for the bot that sends the notification..

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