Release Snapshot API
Snapshots can be created through this API using a POST service and snapshot information can be retrieved using a GET service.
Authentication - Use Basic Authentication for this API.
There are two implementations of GET. One will find a Snapshot with the given release id and snapshot id and return the JSON representation of the Snapshot. The other will find a list of Snapshots matching the parameters supplied to it.
GET (By Id)
This GET service will return the JSON representation of a snapshot given a release id and snapshot Id.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
snapshotId | URL | Yes | Path parameter for the snapshot Id which is used to return a snapshot |
releaseId | URL | Yes | Path parameter for the release Id which contains the snapshot that will be returned |
Snapshot JSON objects can having the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
snapshotId | Long | The id of the snapshot |
snapshotName | String | The name of the snapshot, which is generated based on the time of creation |
snapshotStatus | String | The status of the snapshot. Possible values are:
description | String | The description of the snapshot |
snapshotVersions | List<SnapshotVersionPojo> | The version information about the projects/packages contained within this snapshot |
snapshotVariables | List<SnapshotVariable> | The related snapshot variables |
links | List<Link> | List of any relevant links for the object. |
Elements of snapshotVersions has following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
projectId | Long | The id of the project |
projectStreamId | Long | The id of the Stream which the project/package was built from |
projectVersionId | Long | The version id of the project |
packageName | String | The name of the package (partial deployment projects only) |
requestAllFiles | Boolean | Whether or not the project includes all files (partial deployment projects only) |
snapshotVersionStatus | String | The current status of the individual project version within the snapshot. Possible values are:
Elements of snapshotVariables has the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
displayName | String | Display name |
code | String | Code for the variable |
description | String | Description of the variable |
dataType | String | Data type of the variable |
value | String | Value of the variable |
updatedBy | String | Who last updated this variable |
updatedOn | String | Last time the variable was updated |
Attribute Type Description type String Type of the link "REST", "UI" link String Physical link of the object.
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | String | Type of the link "REST", "UI" |
link | String | Physical link of the object. |
Response Codes
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Snapshot was found and returned |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Authorization failure (no access to resource) |
404 | Release or snapshot not found |
500 | Unexpected internal server error |
If a snapshot in our database had an id of 10005 and releaseId of 14321 and a GET request was sent to http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/releases/14321/snapshot/10005
A Snapshot JSON object will be returned with snapshot information:
{ "snapshotId": 10005, "snapshotName": "07-09-2018 12:15:03", "description": "", "snapshotStatus": "INITIATED", "snapshotVersions": [ { "projectId": 10000, "packageName": "package1", "projectVersionId": 10025, "requestAllFiles": false, "snapshotVersionStatus": "EXISTING" }, { "projectId": 10000, "packageName": "package2", "projectVersionId": 10040, "requestAllFiles": false, "snapshotVersionStatus": "EXISTING" }, { "projectId": 10002, "packageName": null, "projectVersionId": 10065, "requestAllFiles": false, "snapshotVersionStatus": "EXISTING" }], "snapshotVariables": [ { "value": "", "displayName": "Name", "description": "description", "dataType": "String", "code": "VARIABLE", "updatedBy": "fduser", "updatedOn": "07-02-2020 12:37:18" }], "links": [ { "type": "UI", "link": "http://host:port/flexdeploy/faces/releases?dashboard=true&relSnapshotId=10005&relDefinitionId=14321" } ] }
GET (Using Query Parameters)
This GET service will return the JSON representation of a list of snapshots given the release id and snapshot query parameters. Results are sorted so latest snapshots are returned first.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
releaseId | Long (URL) | Yes | Path parameter for the release Id. All returned snapshots will be in this release. |
snapshotName | String (Query) | No | Query based on the generated name of the snapshot. Name is case sensitive and must be exact. |
snapshotStatus | String (Query) | No | Query based on the status of the snapshot. Possible statuses are COMPLETED, FAILED, FAILED TO INITIATE, INITIATED, and PENDING. Status is case insensitive. |
limit | Integer (Query) | No | Limits the number of snapshots returned to specified value. If no limit is provided, all snapshots matching the criteria are returned. |
If no query parameters are provided, all the snapshots in the release will be returned.
Snapshot JSON objects can have the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
snapshotId | Long | The id of the snapshot |
snapshotName | String | The name of the snapshot, which is generated based on the time of creation |
snapshotStatus | String | The status of the snapshot. Possible values are:
description | String | The description of the snapshot |
snapshotVersions | List<SnapshotVersionPojo> | The version information about the projects/packages contained within this snapshot |
snapshotVariables | List<SnapshotVariable> | The related snapshot variables |
Elements of snapshotVersions has the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
projectId | Long | The id of the project |
projectStreamId | Long | The id of the Stream which the project/package was built from |
projectVersionId | Long | The version id of the project |
packageName | String | The name of the package (partial deployment projects only) |
requestAllFiles | Boolean | Whether or not the project includes all files (partial deployment projects only) |
snapshotVersionStatus | String | The current status of the individual project version within the snapshot. Possible values are:
Elements of snapshotVariables have the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
displayName | String | Display name |
code | String | Code for the variable |
description | String | Description of the variable |
dataType | String | Data type of the variable |
value | String | Value of the variable |
updatedBy | String | Who last updated this variable |
updatedOn | String | Last time the variable was updated |
Response Codes
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Search successful and results returned |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Authorization failure (no access to resource) |
500 | Unexpected internal server error |
If we have a release with id 11211 and want to see the latest 2 snapshots with a status of COMPLETED, we would send this request:
Request: http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/releases/11211/snapshot?status=COMPLETED&limit=2
A GET request would be triggered and return the following JSON snapshots object:
[ { "snapshotId": 11501, "snapshotStatus": "COMPLETED", "snapshotVersions": [ { "snapshotVersionStatus": "COMPLETED", "projectVersionId": 33129, "projectId": 25208, "packageName": null, "projectStreamId": 25209, "requestAllFiles": false }, { "snapshotVersionStatus": "COMPLETED", "projectVersionId": 33175, "projectId": 25228, "packageName": "Package1", "projectStreamId": 25229, "requestAllFiles": false }, { "snapshotVersionStatus": "COMPLETED", "projectVersionId": 33146, "projectId": 25228, "packageName": "Package2", "projectStreamId": 25229, "requestAllFiles": false } ], "snapshotName": "02-08-2019 08:52:02", "description": null, "snapshotVariables": [ { "value": "", "displayName": "Name", "description": "description", "dataType": "String", "code": "VARIABLE", "updatedBy": "fduser", "updatedOn": "07-02-2020 12:37:18" }] }, { "snapshotId": 11346, "snapshotStatus": "COMPLETED", "snapshotVersions": [ { "snapshotVersionStatus": "COMPLETED", "projectVersionId": 32466, "projectId": 25208, "packageName": null, "projectStreamId": 25209, "requestAllFiles": false }, { "snapshotVersionStatus": "COMPLETED", "projectVersionId": 32436, "projectId": 25228, "packageName": null, "projectStreamId": 25229, "requestAllFiles": true } ], "snapshotName": "02-06-2019 16:35:04", "description": null, "snapshotVariables": [] } ]
POST (create snapshot)
This POST service will create a new snapshot with the same attributes as the given JSON object.
POST will receive a snapshot input JSON object and return a snapshot JSON object. Snapshot input JSON objects can have the following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Required | Description |
releaseId | URL | Yes | Path parameter for the release Id where the snapshot will be added |
action | String | Yes | should be set to createSnapshot for this API. |
description | String | No | The description of the snapshot |
snapshotVersionInputs | List<SnapshotVersionInputPojo> | No |
Elements of snapshotVersionInputs has following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Required | Description |
projectId | Long | Yes | Project associated with release. |
projectVersionId | Long | No | The version id of the project. If project version is not supplied new build will be performed. |
packageName | String | Yes for partial deploy, otherwise No | The name of the package (used for partial deployment projects only) associated with release. If Partial deployment project and packageName is not supplied it will be considered all files type version. |
buildEnvironmentId | Long | No | The build environment associated with the project. If not supplied and only one environment found for build instance then it will be defaulted. |
forceBuild | Boolean | No | Whether or not the project should be force built. This will be overridden to true for partial deployment project. |
Snapshot JSON objects can having the following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Description |
snapshotId | Long | The id of the snapshot |
snapshotName | String | The name of the snapshot, which is the time when the snapshot was created |
snapshotStatus | String | The status of the snapshot. Possible values are:
description | String | The description of the snapshot |
snapshotVersions | List<SnapshotVersionPojo> | The version information about the projects associated with the snapshot |
Elements of snapshotVersions has following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Description |
projectId | Long | The id of the project |
projectStreamId | Long | The id of the Stream which the project/package was built from. |
projectVersionId | Long | The version id of the project |
packageName | String | The name of the package (used for partial deployment projects only) |
requestAllFiles | Boolean | Whether or not the project was told to request all files |
snapshotVersionStatus | String | The current status of the individual project version within the snapshot. Possible values are:
Response Codes
HTTP Code | Description |
201 | Snapshot created |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Authorization failure (no access to resource) |
404 | Release not found |
500 | Unexpected internal server error |
If the POST request sent to http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/releases/12345/snapshot receives the following JSON environment object,
{ "action" : "createSnapshot", "description": "example snapshot creation", "snapshotVersionInputs": [ { "projectId": 10000, "packageName": "package1", "projectVersionId": 10001 }, { "projectId": 10000, "packageName": "package2", }, { "projectId": 10002, "buildEnvironmentId": 10003 } ] }
The following snapshot object will then be created in FlexDeploy:
{ "snapshotId": 10005, "snapshotName": "07-09-2018 12:12:03", "description": "example snapshot creation", "snapshotStatus": "PENDING", "snapshotVersions": [ { "projectId": 10000, "packageName": "package1", "projectVersionId": 10001, "requestAllFiles": false, "snapshotVersionStatus": "EXISTING" }, { "projectId": 10000, "packageName": "package2", "projectVersionId": null, "requestAllFiles": false, "snapshotVersionStatus": "PENDING" }, { "projectId": 10002, "packageName": null, "projectVersionId": null, "requestAllFiles": false, "snapshotVersionStatus": "PENDING" }] }
POST (promote to release)
Project versions can be promoted to a release through this POST service. Promoting a project to release will combine the specified version of the specified project with the versions of the other projects used in the last snapshot into a new snapshot.
URL for promoting a project version to a release
POST will receive a snapshot input JSON object and return a snapshot JSON object. Snapshot input JSON objects can have the following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Required | Description |
releaseId | URL | Yes | Path parameter for the release Id where the snapshot will be added |
action | String | Yes | should be set to promoteToRelease for this API. |
description | String | No | The description of the snapshot |
snapshotVersionInputs | List<SnapshotVersionInputPojo> | Yes | One and only one element is required for promote to release action. |
Elements of snapshotVersionInputs has following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Required | Description |
projectId | Long | Yes | Project associated with release. |
projectVersionId | Long | Yes | The version id of the project. If using packageName, version for package must be provided. |
packageName | String | No | The name of the package (used for partial deployment projects only) associated with release. If Partial deployment project and packageName is not supplied it will be considered all files type version. |
Snapshot JSON objects can having the following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Description |
snapshotId | Long | The id of the snapshot |
snapshotName | String | The name of the snapshot, which is the time when the snapshot was created |
snapshotStatus | String | The status of the snapshot. Possible values are:
description | String | The description of the snapshot |
snapshotVersions | List<SnapshotVersionPojo> | The version information about the projects associated with the snapshot |
Elements of snapshotVersions has following attributes:
Attributes | Type | Description |
projectId | Long | The id of the project |
projectStreamId | Long | The id of the Stream which the project/package was built from. |
projectVersionId | Long | The version id of the project |
packageName | String | The name of the package (used for partial deployment projects only) |
requestAllFiles | Boolean | Whether or not the project was told to request all files |
snapshotVersionStatus | String | The current status of the individual project version within the snapshot. Possible values are: