FlexDeploy - Oracle EBS Plugin Guide
The Oracle E-Business Suite plugin provides a structured deployment model for commonly used EBS Objects including Forms, Reports, SQLs, PLSQLs, AOL, OAF, BI Publisher, Images, web files, workflows, etc. See EBS Object Types Reference for a list of supported EBS object types.
Supported Versions
- R 12.1.3
- R 12.2
- R 11.5.10
Key Features
- Rich set of options for deploying EBS objects
- Supports ADOP patching phases for R12.2 and above
- Operations to manage EBS application tier servers
- Structured deployment model
- Only deploys objects which have changed
- Supports SQL files execution order
Core Operations
Operation Name | Purpose |
To Build EBS objects from Source Control | |
To Deploy EBS Objects to EBS Server | |
To execute commands/scripts on EBS Instance | |
To recompile all invalid SQLs. | |
Run the adcgnjar utility to generate and sign a JAR (For R12.2+ only). | |
generateCustomJar | Generate and Sign custom Product Jar |
checkPatchCycle | To check if an patching cycle is active |
Online Patching Phase Operations
Operation Name | Purpose |
To initiate prepare adop patch phase to apply changes. | |
To finalize adop patch phase to apply changes. | |
To cutover adop patch phase to apply changes. | |
To cleanup adop phase after applying changes. | |
To abort adop phase after applying changes. | |
adopFsClone | To run fs_clone phase. |
Server Management Operations
Note: For R12.2+, use operations from WebLogic Plugin to restart the servers.
Operation Name | Purpose |
Stop all EBS application tier services. | |
Start all EBS application tier services | |
Stop EBS Web (HTTP) services | |
Start EBS Web (HTTP) services | |
Stop EBS Web Application services | |
Start EBS Web Application services | |
restartOACore | Restart EBS Web Application services |
Stop EBS Forms Servers | |
Start EBS Forms Servers | |
restartFormsServer | Restart EBS Forms Servers |
Stop EBS Concurrent Manager services | |
Start EBS Concurrent Manager services | |
restartConcurrentManager | Restart EBS Concurrent Manager services |
Stop Oracle Process Manager Server | |
Start Oracle Process Manager Server | |
Activate Workflow Services | |
Deactivate Workflow Services. | |
Abort Workflow Services |
All Plugin Operations
- abortWorkflowServices
- activateWorkflowServices
- adcGenerateJar
- adpatch
- adopAbort
- adopCleanup
- adopCutover
- adopFinalize
- adopPrepare
- adopFsClone
- applyOraclePatches
- build
- checkPatchCycle
- compileInvalidSqls
- deactivateWorkflowServices
- deploy (EBS)
- executeCommand
- generateCustomJar
- restartConcurrentManager
- restartFormsServer
- restartOACore
- startAll
- startConcurrentManager
- startFormsServer
- startOACore
- startOPMN
- startWebServer
- stopAll
- stopConcurrentManager
- stopFormsServer
- stopOACore
- stopOPMN
- stopWebServer
EBS Object Types Reference
See EBS Object Types Reference
Preparing for POC or Implementation
See Preparing for EBS FlexDeploy POC or Implementation.
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