Workflow API
Workflows can be retrieved using this API using the GET service.
Authentication - Use Basic Authentication for this API.
GET (By Id)
This GET service will return the JSON representation of a workflow given a workflow Id.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
workflowId | URL | Yes | Path parameter for the workflow Id |
Workflow JSON objects have the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
workflowId | Long | This is the unique Id of the workflow |
workflowName | String | This is the name of the workflow. |
workflowType | String | This is the type of the workflow. Possible workflow types are:
isActive | Boolean | This is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the workflow is active. |
group | String | This is the group of the workflow. |
subgroup | String | This is the subgroup of the workflow. |
description | String | This is the description of the workflow. |
activeVersionId | Long | This is the id of the active version of the workflow. |
activeVersionName | String | This is version name for active version. For example, 1.1 |
properties | List<Property> | Workflow Properties, listed on the main tab of the workflow. More about the Property object is listed below. |
pluginOperations | List<PluginOperation> | List of plugin operations used in this workflow. Each plugin operation includes the operation name and plugin id. |
Property JSON objects have the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | Code for the property. |
displayName | String | Display name of the property. |
listData | List<String> | List of possible values for the property. |
isActive | Boolean | Whether the property is active or not. |
dataType | String | Data type of the property. |
defaultValue | Depends | Default value for the property. |
isEncrypted | Boolean | Whether the property is encrypted or not. |
isRequired | Boolean | Whether the property is required or not. |
isMultiselect | Boolean | Whether multiple values can be inputted for this property. |
isDefaultValueExpression | Boolean | Whether the default value for this property is an expression. Otherwise, it's interpreted as plain text. |
subDataType | String | Sub data type of the property. |
description | String | Description of the property. |
scope | String | Scope of the property. Possible values are Environment Instance and Project. |
PluginOperation JSON (represents plugin operations used by workflow) objects have following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
operation | String | Plugin operation name. For example, soaBuild |
pluginId | Long | Plugin Id |
Response Codes
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Workflow was found and returned |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Authorization failure (no access to resource) |
404 | Workflow not found |
500 | Unexpected internal server error |
If a workflow has an id of 12345 and a GET request was sent to http://host:port/flexdeploy/v1/rest/workflows/12345
A workflow JSON object will be returned with the following workflow information:
{ "workflowId": 12345, "workflowName": "Run SoapUI Test", "workflowType": "TEST_DEFINITION", "description": "SoapUI execute test workflow", "group": "FlexDeploy(read only)", "subgroup": "Testing", "activeVersionId": 21598, "isActive": true, "properties": [], "pluginOperations": [ { "operation": "runSoapUILoadTest", "pluginId": 155247 } ] }
GET (Using Query Parameters)
This GET service will find a workflow by querying based on a name, type, group, and/or subgroup and will return the JSON representations of the objects. If no query parameters are given this request will return the entire list of workflows.
Append the following character sequences to the above URL to specify Query parameters.
Use '&' between successive query parameters:
To search by name only:
To search by group only:
To search by subgroup and name:
The query parameters are not case sensitive. Searching by name=NAME is the same as searching by name=name.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
workflowName | No | Query - String | The name of the workflow to search for. Uses contains ignore case search. |
workflowType | No | Query - String | The type of the workflow to search for. Uses equals ignore case search. Possible workflow types are:
group | No | Query - String | The group name to search workflows for. Uses equals ignore case search. |
subgroup | No | Query - String | The subgroup name to search workflows for. Uses equals ignore case search. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
workflowId | Long | This is the unique Id of the workflow |
workflowName | String | This is the name of the workflow. |
workflowType | String | This is the type of the workflow. Possible workflow types are:
isActive | Boolean | This is a Boolean that tracks whether or not the workflow is active. |
group | String | This is the group of the workflow. |
subgroup | String | This is the subgroup of the workflow. |
description | String | This is the description of the workflow. |
activeVersionId | Long | This is the id of the active version of the workflow. |
activeVersionName | String | This is version name for active version. For example, 1.1 |
properties | List<Property> | Workflow Properties, listed on the main tab of the workflow. More about the Property object is listed below. |
pluginOperations | List<PluginOperation> | List of plugin operations used in this workflow. Each plugin operation includes the operation name and plugin id. |
Property JSON objects have the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
name | String | Code for the property. |
displayName | String | Display name of the property. |
listData | List<String> | List of possible values for the property. |
isActive | Boolean | Whether the property is active or not. |
dataType | String | Data type of the property. |
defaultValue | Depends | Default value for the property. |
isEncrypted | Boolean | Whether the property is encrypted or not. |
isRequired | Boolean | Whether the property is required or not. |
isMultiselect | Boolean | Whether multiple values can be inputted for this property. |
isDefaultValueExpression | Boolean | Whether the default value for this property is an expression. Otherwise, it's interpreted as plain text. |
subDataType | String | Sub data type of the property. |
description | String | Description of the property. |
scope | String | Scope of the property. Possible values are Environment Instance and Project. |
PluginOperation JSON (represents plugin operations used by workflow) objects have following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
operation | String | Plugin operation name. For example, soaBuild |
pluginId | Long | Plugin Id |
Response Codes
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Search successful and results returned |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Authorization failure (no access to resource) |
500 | Unexpected internal server error |
If a workflow has an id of 10111 and a GET request was sent to http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/workflows?name=JMeter-runTest&type=TEST_Definition
A workflow JSON object will be returned with the following workflow information:
{ "workflowId": 10111, "workflowName": "JMeter-runTest", "workflowType": "TEST_DEFINITION", "description": "JMeter execute test workflow", "group": "FlexDeploy(read only)", "subgroup": "Testing", "activeVersionId": 10862, "isActive": true, "properties": [], "pluginOperations": [ { "operation": "runTest", "pluginId": 68740 } ] }
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