

Imports an API from the FlexDeploy Artifact Repository into Oracle API Platform.

This operation will look for a single file called {FDOAP_API_NAME}.json in the Artifact Repository to use. Once found, the plugin will search the target environment for an API with the same name. If any are found, it will search for a matching version, based on the version in the .json artifact.

If an API with the same name and version is found in the target environment, the plugin will update it, which will increment the Iteration of the API.

If there is no matching API name and version, it will create the API in that environment with the name and version found in the .json artifact.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
Oracle API Platform UrlFDOAP_API_URLYBase Url for the API Platform
Oracle Identity UrlFDOAP_IDENTITY_URLYBase Url for Oracle Identity
Oracle API UsernameFDOAP_USERNAMEYUsername for authentication
Oracle API PasswordFDOAP_PASSWORDYPassword for authentication
Oracle API AudienceFDOAP_AUDIENCEYPrimary Audience for the API Platform
Oracle API ScopeFDOAP_SCOPEYScope for making API calls
Oracle API Client IdFDOAP_CLIENT_IDYClient Id for the API Platform Application
Oracle API Client SecretFDOAP_CLIENT_SECRETYClient Secret for the API Platform Application

Project Properties

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
Oracle API NameFDOAP_API_NAMEYName of the API being managed


Input NameInput CodeRequiredDescription


Output NameDescription


This operation consumes artifacts that will be stored in the artifacts repository.

Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

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