

This operation deploys an Apigee API proxy or Shared flow to Apigee by using the maven apigee deploy plugin. You must have built artifacts as zip file or expanded folder, see Extract and Save Artifacts workflow on FlexDeploy - Apigee Plugin Guide page under Example Workflows. See Special Considerations below for details on folder structure. You can download zip file from Apigee and commit to SCM for use during build, or you can commit zip file in expanded format.

The plugin unzips any zipped file within the artifacts and will search for the API proxy or Shared flow folder and deploy it to Apigee. This operation automatically generated pom.xml and parent-pom.xml necessary to use with Maven for deployment.

Environment/Instance Properties

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
Apigee Org NameFDAPG_ORGYesThe org name of the Apigee account.
Apigee UsernameFDAPG_USERYesThe username of the Apigee account.
Apigee PasswordFDAPG_PASSWORDYesThe password of the Apigee account.
Apigee Environment NameFDAGP_ENVYesThe environment name which the proxy or shared flow will be deployed to.
Apigee Host URLFDAPG_HOST_URLYesThe host URL of the Apigee proxy. If the user is not using a private server the value should be https://api.enterprise.apigee.com
Apigee Deploy OptionFDAPG_DEPLOY_OPTIONYesThe option to indicate how proxy or shared flow revision will be managed during deployment.

Project Properties

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
Apigee Proxy/Shared Flow NameFDAPG_NAMEYesThe name of the proxy or shared flow that will be deployed. This property is defaulted to the project name. This property is case sensitive and must be the exact same as the name of the API Proxy on Apigee.
API TypeFDAPG_API_TYPEYesThe type of the API, either API Proxy or Shared Flow.


Input NameInput CodeRequiredDescription


Output NameDescription


This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.

Endpoint Selection 

This operation does not require any specific external libraries or tools, hence you can add any endpoint to environment/instance configuration. We recommend use of LOCALHOST endpoint for simplicity. This operation will select all  endpoints associated to the environment/instance.

Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Special Considerations

The artifacts folder must contain Apigee bundle that has a maven compatible file structure. Below you can see the recommended folder structure for the project if it is an API proxy. 

API Proxy Folder Structure
      |-gateway/ ***

Below you can see the recommended folder structure for the project if it is a shared flow. 

Shared Flow Folder Structure
	  |-gateway/ ***
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