Upgrades the Oracle DDL of a specified schema to the supplied baseline. The baseline id is supplied by an artifact created by the createBaseline operation. The DDL is pulled from the DDL Repository and applied to the database specified by Oracle Database URL
and Oracle Database Schema Name(s)
. The schema names must be the same in the different environments.
When deploying a baseline that contains rename views, sequences, or synonyms, the value of Environment Instance Property FDORA_USER
must be the owner of the objects. Running the operation as another user will fail with ORA-04043
When renaming columns and tables in the same build, set the properties like:
- schema.old_table = schema.new_table
- schema.old_table.old_column = schema.new_table.new_column
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Oracle Database URL | FDORA_URL | Yes | The JDBC URL for the target Oracle database. This should be a complete JDBC URL (e.g. |
Oracle Database User | FDORA_USER | Yes | The username that will be used to connect to the target Oracle Database. |
Oracle Database Password | FDORA_PASSWORD | Yes | The password for Oracle Database User. |
Target JDBC Driver Path. | FDORA_DRIVER_PATH | Yes | Path containing JDBC driver for target database connection. |
DDL Repo JDBC Driver Path | FDORA_DDL_DRIVER_PATH | Yes | Path containing JDBC driver for DDL repository database connection. |
DDL Repository URL | FDORA_DDL_URL | Yes | The JDBC URL for the DDL repository. This should be a complete JDBC URL (e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe) |
DDL Repository User | FDORA_DDL_USER | Yes | The userid used to connect to the DDL repository. |
DDL Repository Password | FDORA_DDL_PASSWORD | Yes | The password for the DDL repository userid. |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Oracle Database Schema Name(s) | FDORA_SCHEMA_NAME | Yes | Comma-separated list of schemas controlled by this project. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Column Drop Action | FDORA_COL_DROP_ACTION | No | Determines what action to take for "dropping" columns. Can be set to Defaults to |
Preview Execution | FDORA_PREVIEW_EXECUTION | No | Whether to bypass actual execution of the DDL, and simply run the compare. Defaults to true. |
FDORA_ROLLBACK_ON_FAIL | No | Added in If a deployment failure occurs, should the database be rolled back to the previous state? Defaults to false. If true, the snapshot taken as the deployment starts will be rolled back to. If false, the database will be left in the state it is in after the first failure. The deployment stops after the first failure occurs. | |
FDORA_FAIL_AFTER_ROLLBACK | No | Added in If a deployment failure occurs, but it is successfully rolled back to the previous version, should the workflow still be failed? Defaults to true. |
Output Name | Required | Description |
| No | This is the baseline ID currently deployed to the target environment OR the baseline ID created from this deployment. |
FDORA_OUT_NEW_BASELINE_ID | No | This is the baseline ID being deployed to this environment. |
FDORA_OUT_DELTA_BASELINE_ID | No | The ID to track the DDL used for this deployment. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TABLE_COUNT | No | Count of tables dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TABLE_COUNT | No | Count of tables created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TABLE_COUNT | No | Count of tables altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_COLUMNS_COUNT | No | Count of columns dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_ADD_COLUMNS_COUNT | No | Count of columns added. |
FDORA_OUT_MODIFY_COLUMN_COUNT | No | Count of columns modified. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_CONSTRAINT_COUNT | No | Count of constraints dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_ADD_CONSTRAINT_COUNT | No | Count of constraints added. |
FDORA_OUT_MODIFY_CONSTRAINT_COUNT | No | Count of constraints modified. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_INDEX_COUNT | No | Count of indexes dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_INDEX_COUNT | No | Count of indexes created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_INDEX_COUNT | No | Count of indexes altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_VIEW_COUNT | No | Count of views dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_VIEW_COUNT | No | Count of views created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_VIEW_COUNT | No | Count of views altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_SEQUENCE_COUNT | No | Count of sequences dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_SEQUENCE_COUNT | No | Count of sequences created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_SEQUENCE_COUNT | No | Count of sequences altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_PROCEDURE_COUNT | No | Count of procedures dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_PROCEDURE_COUNT | No | Count of procedures created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_PROCEDURE_COUNT | No | Count of procedures altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TRIGGER_COUNT | No | Count of triggers dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TRIGGER_COUNT | No | Count of triggers created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TRIGGER_COUNT | No | Count of triggered altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_SYNONYM_COUNT | No | Count of synonyms dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_SYNONYM_COUNT | No | Count of synonyms created. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_FUNCTION_COUNT | No | Count of functions dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_FUNCTION_COUNT | No | Count of functions created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_FUNCTION_COUNT | No | Count of functions altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TYPE_COUNT | No | Count of types dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TYPE_COUNT | No | Count of types created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TYPE_COUNT | No | Count of types altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TYPE_BODY_COUNT | No | Count of type body drops. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TYPE_BODY_COUNT | No | Count of type body creates. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TYPE_BODY_COUNT | No | Count of type body alters. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_PACKAGE_COUNT | No | Count of packages dropped. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_PACKAGE_COUNT | No | Count of packages created. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_PACKAGE_COUNT | No | Count of packages altered. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_PACKAGE_BODY_COUNT | No | Count of package body drops. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_PACKAGE_BODY_COUNT | No | Count of package body creates. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_PACKAGE_BODY_COUNT | No | Count of package body alters. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_MVIEW_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view drops. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_MVIEW_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view creates. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_MVIEW_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view alters. |
FDORA_OUT_DROP_MVIEW_LOG_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view log drops. |
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_MVIEW_LOG_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view log creates. |
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_MVIEW_LOG_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view log alters. |
FDORA_OUT_OBJECT_GRANT_COUNT | No | Count of object grants. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_TABLE_COUNT | No | Count of tables in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_INDEX_COUNT | No | Count of indexes in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_CONSTRAINT_COUNT | No | Count of constraints in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_SEQUENCE_COUNT | No | Count of sequences in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_PROCEDURES_COUNT | No | Count of procedures in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_VIEWS_COUNT | No | Count of views in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_SYNONYMS_COUNT | No | Count of synonyms in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_MVIEW_COUNT | No | Count of materialized views in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_MVIEW_LOG_COUNT | No | Count of materialized view logs in the new baseline. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_TABLE_COUNT | No | Count of table renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_COLUMN_COUNT | No | Count of column renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_CONSTRAINT_COUNT | No | Count of constraint renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_INDEX_COUNT | No | Count of index renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_VIEW_COUNT | No | Count of view renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_SEQUENCE_COUNT | No | Count of sequence renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_TRIGGER_COUNT | No | Count of trigger renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_SYNONYM_COUNT | No | Count of synonym renames processed. |
FDORA_OUT_BL_PRIVILEGES_COUNT | No | Count of object privileges in the new baseline. |
This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.
Special Considerations
The plugin currently requires the source and target schema names to be the same.
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