EBS Object Types - DB Objects (SQLs)

collection of reusable code, programs, and database objects that provides common functionality across all E-Business products.

File Extensions 

If file is not Concurrent program (indicated by parent folder), then it is considered DB Objects (SQLs). File content is also further analyzed by populate process.

.sqlA file containing sql statements. Extensions may be customized using EBS SQL Extensions project property.


NameDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceObject Source Location Type


Target LocationPath to where the file should be deployed to.$<PROD_TOP>/patch/115/sql/
TypeDB Object TypeGeneric SQL
DB User PropertyFlexDeploy property to use as the user to connect to the database with.FDEBS_DB_USER
DB Password PropertyFlexDeploy property to use as the password for the DB User Property.FDEBS_DB_PASSWORD

Related Project Properties

NameDescriptionDefault Value
EBS SQL Root Source DirectorySource folder for sql and pls files (e.g. db).sql
EBS SQL Root Destination DirectoryTarget directory for SQL and PLS files (e.g. XXHR_TOP/admin/sql).$<PROD_TOP>/patch/115/sql
EBS SQL ExtensionsSQL file extensions in their order to process.


See Database SQL file extensions and their order of process.

EBS Ignore Errors File ListList of files to ignore errors (e.g. DropHRTables.sql,*_ddl.sql).
EBS SQL Ignore Compile ErrorsIgnore SQL compilation errors.false
EBS SQL Retry CountRetry count for SQLs and PL/SQLs.5

Sample Build Commands 

N/A - Build commands not supported for this type.

Sample Deploy Commands 

cp $SOURCE_FILE $XXHR_TOP/patch/115/sql/;
exit sql.sqlcode



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