run (utPLSQL)
Executes individual utPLSQL test packages using the run operation.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
utPLSQL Database User | FDUTPLSQL_DB_USER | Yes | User used to connect to the associated database. |
utPLSQL Database Password | FDUTPLSQL_DB_PASSWORD | Yes | Password for the utPLSQL Database User. |
utPLSQL Database Connection Identifier | FDUTPLSQL_DB_CONNECTION_IDENTIFIER | Yes | Identifier used to connect to the Database for utPLSQL testing. Simply the SID can be used if the database is on the same server as the endpoint (e.g. "xe " ). If connecting to a server remotely from the endpoint server, the identifier will need to follow the remote connection syntax (e.g. "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xe))) " ). |
utPLSQL Oracle Home Directory | FDUTPLSQL_ORACLE_HOME | Yes | Directory for Oracle Home (e.g. "oracle/product/11.2.0/xe "), used to run sqlplus. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Test Package In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_TEST_PACKAGE_IN | Yes | The name of the test package to run. *If utPLSQL Database User is not the test package owner, do not schema-qualify the package. Instead, place the schema name in the |
Autocompile On | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_AUTOCOMPILE_ON | No | Pass FALSE to avoid auto-recompilation for the run operation. The default settings for utPLSQL is to re-compile your base package before each unit test. |
Prefix In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_PREFIX_IN | No | The prefix to be appended to |
Suite In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_SUITE_IN | No | The name of the suite that contains the specified test package. This is an optional value and is used to update statistics for the test. |
Owner In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_OWNER_IN | No | The name of the schema that contains the packages to be tested. |
From Suite In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_FROM_SUITE_IN | No | Pass TRUE to tell utPLSQL that this test is being run from within a test suite (for internal use only). |
Subprogram In | FDUTPLSQL_RUN_INP_SUBPROGRAM_IN | No | Pass a string to restrict which of the test procedures will be executed for this run. Default of '% ' means all tests will be run. |
This operation doesn’t consume or produce any artifacts.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the environment/instance.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.
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