Functions are groovy scripts which are executed when a webhook is received by FlexDeploy. Webhooks are matched to a function by its URI. Each webhook provider may have multiple functions depending on the action that occurred in the provider application.

Viewing Webhook Functions

Access functions by navigating to Administration → Integrations → Webhooks.

Creating/Editing Webhook Functions

To create a new function, click the  button. To view or edit a function, click on the name of the function.




The name of the function

DescriptionThe description for the function
ProviderProvider the function is for
UriPath webhook will be sent (appended to /flexdeploy/webhooks/v1)
ActiveWhether or not the function is active (Defaults to Yes)

Groovy Script

The Groovy script for the function will be executed when a webhook is received at the listed uri that has been matched to the selected provider. More function examples can be found {{link}}. The editing window has capabilities for undo, redo, find, find and replace, and go to line. There are a variety of context variables and methods available to use in this script. Type Ctrl + Space in the editor for suggestions on variables and methods that can be used.
