Environment Instance property variables are available in Workflow Editor (UI), Shell Plugins, and Script based plugins.

Variable Name


<Instance Code>_<Property Name>

Value of property defined on current environment and a particular instance.

Workflow is executed for specific Environment and Instance, so this value is for executing Environment Instance.

If Project has overridden value for specific Property, overridden value is returned.

Properties on build/deploy target instance do not need to be instance-qualified.

For example, if you are looking for FDSVN_URL of SAMPLEAPPS instance.    

Unix Shell

Use ${variable_name} to find value for specific instance.


svnUrl=""; lookupkey="SAMPLEAPPS" + "_FDSVN_URL"; if (binding.variables.containsKey(lookupkey)) { svnUrl=getProperty(lookupkey);}; return svnUrl;