The download of Artifacts for a Project Version can be accessed through this API using the GET service.


The Get call returns a zipped file containing all of the artifact information corresponding to a particular project version.

projectidURLThe id of the project whose version is being accesses.
versionidURLThe id of the project version whose artifacts are to be obtained.


This GET service will find the artifacts associated with a specific project version and return a Response object with a zipped file, in the form of a byte array(byte[]), containing the artifacts.


projectidYesURLThe id of the project whose version is being accesses.
versionidYesURLThe id of the project version whose artifacts are to be obtained.


When we run a GET request at the following URL:


The GET request would download a zipped file containing the information in the artifact section of the specified project version.

The name of the zipped file returned is in the format {projectid}-{versionid}    Ex: