An Instance represents a software technology running in one or more Environments, that supports builds and/or deployments.

For example,

Example #1 Instances for ADF Build/Deploy

Instance CodeInstance NameNotes
ADF11119ADF runtime installation with WebLogic 10.3.6
ADF1221ADF 12.2.1ADF runtime 12.2.1 installation with WebLogic 12.2.1
JDEV11119JDeveloper installation
JDEV1221JDeveloper 12.2.1JDeveloper 12.2.1 installation

Example #2 Instances for ADF Build/Deploy

This is simple variation from Example #1 above, where Build and Deploy Instances are named so that users can easily match Build with Deploy Instance.

Instance CodeInstance NameNotes
ADF11119ADF runtime installation with WebLogic 10.3.6
ADF1221ADF 12.2.1ADF runtime 12.2.1 installation with WebLogic 12.2.1
ADFBUILD11119ADF Build installation
ADFBUILD1221ADF Build 12.2.1JDeveloper 12.2.1 installation

Viewing Instances

To view the list of Instances defined within FlexDeploy, select Topology from the menu, and choose the Instances tab.

By default, all active Instances are displayed in the search results. To refine the search results, type all or part of the instance name into the Search box, and the list will automatically filter. Select the Active checkbox to show the inactive integration instances as well.

Creating or Editing Instances

 Each Instance will have a different configuration, link will assist in setting up and maintaining Instances.

Inactivating/Activating Instances

To inactivate an Instance at any time, click the Active link on the desired instance, and it will toggle to Inactive. This will hide that Instance after leaving the screen, until the Active checkbox is unchecked. To reactivate an Instance, click the Inactive link and it will toggle back to Active.