Most customers are installing FlexDeploy in Test and Production environments. The purpose of the Test environment is to try various patches or beta capabilities of plugins, or even trying some complex workflows and/or custom plugins. The FlexDeploy test environment may be restricted for use to by select members of the team. It is good idea to periodically (mostly when applying major FlexDeploy upgrade/patch) clone FlexDeploy Production configuration/execution data to FlexDeploy Test environment, which will allow you to easily validate new FlexDeploy upgrades  or patches.

These steps are provided as guidelines and extreme care must be taken to not disrupt your production environments.

This process should only be followed to perform a clone of FlexDeploy Production FlexDeploy to the Test environment. Make sure that Test environment is restricted for use by very few members of your team to avoid confusion, as the purpose of the Test environment is only for validating FlexDeploy itself and is not used for actual build/deploy activities. You will do some build/deploy activities, but strictly for validation purposes.

This process only applies to the 4.0, 4.0.x, 4.5 version of FlexDeploy. Source and target version of FlexDeploy must be same.

Make sure Target FlexDeploy is Ready

Export Import Database & Copy Artifact Repository

FlexDeploy uses Database tables to track all activities & configurations, and Artifact Repository folder to store build artifacts. So you must copy both items to target for successful clone.

expdp system directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=fd_bkup.dmp schemas=FD,FF,FD_ADMIN
impdp system directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=fd_bkup.dmp schemas=FD,FF,FD_ADMIN

Update Target Database as Necessary