Templates provide the ability to create groovy scripts to manage the creation of FlexDeploy projects from an uploaded csv file. In addition, template can have inputs that allow data from the csv file to be passed into the groovy script. This inputs allow the groovy script to be very dynamic and create projects with different attributes.

Templates can be accessed through the Administration menu.

Predefined Templates

FlexDeploy provided pre-defined templates as described below.

Template NameTemplate Details
BaseADFApplicationProjectprovides the script and base inputs to create an ADF application project.
SimpleADFApplicationProjectprovides a simple script and base inputs to create an ADF application project.
BaseADFLibraryProjectprovides the script and base inputs to create an ADF library project.
BaseSOAProjectprovides the script and base inputs to create a SOA project.
BaseSOAProjectWithCITriggerprovides the script and base inputs to create a SOA project that also contains CI Trigger configuration.
BaseEBSFormsProjectprovides the script and base inputs to create an EBS Forms project
BaseMixedTechWithDefaultsProjectprovides the script and base inputs to create any project based on the ProjectType input. This script will provide the concept of allowing ADF, SOA and other technologies in the same upload file.
SimpleOSBProjectprovides the script and base inputs to create an OSB project.

Template Recommendations

Maintain Templates

Create Projects from Template