This page provides the system requirements and installation instructions for the FlexDeploy application tier

Create Folders for FlexDeploy Server

You can create separate mounts as per suggested size requirements below. Both folders must be owned writable by user that will be used to run FlexDeploy server process.

FlexDeploy Working Directory

FlexDeploy uses a working directory for temporary files to be transferred between the server and its endpoints. This directory needs to have at least 4GB of space available on the FlexDeploy Server.

This directory will be specified on command line as -Dflexagon.fd.install.root.

FlexDeploy Artifact Repository

FlexDeploy Artifact Repository

The FlexDeploy artifact repository is a directory available on the FlexDeploy server where all build artifacts are stored, and later retrieved for the deployments. This directory needs to have at least 10GB of space available on the FlexDeploy Server.

This directory will be specified on command line as -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root.

Supported Application Servers

FlexDeploy is a Java web-based application which runs on the following application servers:

See FlexDeploy installation instructions for the target application server platform.

SCM Requirements

FlexDeploy provides out of the box integration with the following Source Control Management Systems

The Git executable must be installed on the FlexDeploy server and it must be accessible in its PATH. The Git executable version must be 1.7.9 or higher.

For IBM ClearCase, you must copy libraries from your ClearCase server into the the application server lib folder. Detailed instructions can be found under the sections for the specific target application server platform.

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