Database Tier Requirements

Supported Platforms

Supported Databases

FlexDeploy requires one of the following databases to be installed and running.

Supported database type with WebLogic application server is Oracle XE, Oracle Standard or Oracle Enterprise.


Application Tier Requirements

Supported Platforms

Supported Application Servers and Requirements

FlexDeploy is a Java web-based application which runs on the following application servers:

Disk Requirements

We recommend approximately 125GB total disk space should be sufficient for application tier.

Working Directory

FlexDeploy uses a working directory for temporary files to be transferred between the server and its endpoints. This directory needs to have at least 10GB of space available on the FlexDeploy Server.

Artifact Directory

The FlexDeploy artifact repository is a directory available on the FlexDeploy server where all build artifacts are stored, and later retrieved for the deployments. This directory needs to have at least 10GB of space available on the FlexDeploy Server.

Source Control Requirements

FlexDeploy provides out of the box integration with the following Source Control Management Systems.

The Git executable must be installed on the FlexDeploy server & build endpoints, and it must be accessible in its PATH. The Git executable version must be 1.7.9 or higher.

Endpoint Requirements

An Endpoint is a target server where FlexDeploy can perform build or deploy activities. Endpoints are configured within the FlexDeploy UI. See following requirements for each Endpoint.

Supported Platforms


Supported web browsers

FlexDeploy supports following web browsers. We recommend use of latest updates to browsers.

Internet Explorer 11 works but there could be minor issues in parts of application.