This process is useful in many situations, for example, Initial proof of concept completed and production installation needs to be done on different Server and Database.

These steps are provided as guidelines and extreme care must be taken during such migrations. This process is setup for Tomcat but variation of this process can be applied to WebLogic as well.

Make sure source environment is Stopped before proceeding so that we have accurate copy.

Export Import Database

Copy Artifact Repository, Plugins Folder and Application Binaries

Goal is to just copy the installation and artifact repository to target server. If artifacts and install is done under one common folder, then you can just create one tar for entire set of folders.

-- tar/zip artifacts files, You can determine artifacts repository folder by looking at flexagon.fd.repository.root system property on server command line
cd /flexdeploy/artifacts
tar -czvf /app/backup/flexdeploy_artifacts.tar.gz *
-- tar/zip plugins folder, You can determine working folder by looking at flexagon.fd.application.root system property on server command line
cd /flexdeploy/application/plugins
tar -czvf /app/backup/flexdeploy_plugins.tar.gz *
-- extract artifacts files, You can determine artifacts repository folder by looking at flexagon.fd.repository.root system property on server command line
cd /flexdeploy/artifacts
rm -rf *
tar -xzvf /app/backup/flexdeploy_artifacts_prod.tar.gz
-- extract plugins folder, You can determine working folder by looking at flexagon.fd.application.root system property on server command line
cd /flexdeploy/application/plugins
rm -rf *
tar -xzvf /app/backup/flexdeploy_plugins.tar.gz

Final configuration and start server

Do not start yet as copied installation is still pointing to source database.