findProjectsForChange/findPackagesForChange functions are not finding my projects

How do I create a new Release Snapshot from a webhook build?

No webhooks are being received by FlexDeploy (webhook messages screen is blank)

The webhooks may not be getting through because of the firewall. See Webhook Security for options on allowing webhooks to be received by FlexDeploy without sacrificing security.

Should I manage webhooks per repository, or globally for my SCM?

Webhooks in FlexDeploy have the capability for both options. Most SCMs have separate configuration of webhooks per repository. If you don't need separate customizations per repository, it's recommended to create one provider and one or a couple functions in FlexDeploy for your SCM for easier management. However, if your use case is different depending on the repository, you can configure multiple providers for your SCM to group repositories, or group them by URIs associated with different functions, and manage them separately in that way.

What if I don't see a function that I need?

If there is a function that you don't see available that would be needed to fit your use case you can first check the release notes of later FlexDeploy versions to see if the function you need has since been added. If you still don't see your function you can open an enhancement request on the support site