To do that, cd to the folder that contains the files, and execute the following command: jar cvfM0 pluginname<PluginName>-<pluginversion><PluginVersion>.jar *
This will make "plugin<PluginName>-<PluginVersion>.jar" which will contain the files and folders around it.
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<Plugin Name><PluginName>-<PluginVersion>.jar properties <properties file name>.xml (Plugin XML Properties Definition) lib adflibFlexFndCommonCore.jar (FlexDeploy library) adflibFlexDeployCore.jar (FlexDeploy library) commons-io-2.4.jar (Apache Commons IO library) <your plugin>.jar (your plugin classes packaged into a JAR - containing full package structure) bin setup.sh (optional) setup.bat (optional) plugin.xml (Plugin XML Metatdata) |