This POST service will perform the same action found on the Application Build Request Form. It will initiate a request to build the application selected in the qualifiedApplicationName
. The service will return the applicationRequestId which can be used by the getApplicationRequestStatus
call to determine when the workflow is complete.
Application Build Sample JSON Request | |
{ "authentication": { "userId":"fdadmin", "password": "password1" }, | Opening bracket Authentication section, used on all types of requests. |
Required parameters for building applications. | |
"environmentCode":"DEV", "qualifiedApplicationName":"/FlexDeploy/folder1/myApp", "projectSettings": [ { "projectName": "SimpleProj", "streamName": "trunk", "inputs": [ { "code": "inp1", "value": "value1" }, { "code": "inp2", "value": "value2" }] }, { "projectName": "SimpleTest", "streamName": "trunk" }], | Build in the DEV environment. The full path of the FlexDeploy project to build. List of projects in the application SimpleProj will be built from stream "trunk" using the two listed inputs. SimpleTest will be built from stream "trunk". It doesn't need any workflow inputs. |
Optionally include this information. Verify that your json is valid; check for trailing commas if you don't include this section. | |
"code": "buildff", "value": "message"
| boolean equivalent to "Force Build" checkbox in the UI. Defaults to false. List of FlexFields to set A build scoped FlexField named "buildff" is being set to "message" |
} | Closing bracket |
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
| Y | Object | See Common Parameters below. |
| Y | String | This is the environment code, not the environment name that you see on most screens. |
| Y | String | The qualified application name starts with /FlexDeploy and includes any sub folders, and finally the project. |
| N | Boolean | Values are true or false. Indicates that the build should occur even if there are not SCM changes. Defaults to false. |
| Y | ListArray | The project settings is a list of the projects by name and includes the 3 sub-parameters below. |
projectName | Y | String | The project name to specify the stream for. All projects in the application must be listed so that they can be given a stream. |
streamName | Y | String | The name of the Stream to build from. |
inputs | N | ListArray | See Common Parameters below. |
flexFields | N | String | See Common Parameters below. |