Any JDBC driver which is supported by the database vendor for the version you have installed is likely to be compatible with the FlexDeploy JDBC plugin. The following JDBC driver jar files have been tested and are supportedSupported databases include following.
- Oracle Database 10g+ (ojdbc6.jar)MySQL Database 5.6+ (mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar)10g+
- Using statement delimiter of ;
- PL/SQL blocks starting with DECLARE or BEGIN and finishing with END; /
- MySql 5.1+
- PostgreSql 9.0+
- Derby
- SQL Server 2008+
- MariaDB 10.0+
- Vertica 6.5+
- H2 1.2.137+
- solidDB 6.5+
- SQL Azure
- DB2 9.7+
- AWS Redshift
- Hsql 1.8+
- Sybase ASE12.5+
- SQLite 3.7.2+
- DB2 z/OS 9.1+
- EnterpriseDB 9.4+
- Phoenix 4.2.2+
- Greenplum 4.3+
Key Features
- Vendor neutral implementation using JDBC
- Oracle specific extensions for PL/SQL