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ElementPathXSD Line NumberDescription
PluginDefinition/3The root element for this plugin definition.
Name/PluginDefinition6The name of the plugin, which appears on plugins page after upload.
PluginDisplayName/PluginDefinition7The display name of the plugin, which appears on workflow page under workflow operations.
Description/PluginDefinition8A description for this plugin, which is displayed on the plugins page after upload.
TechnologyGroup/PluginDefinition9The name of the technology that is plugin is for, which is displayed on the plugins page after upload.
SubTechnologyGroup/PluginDefinition10The name of the sub-technology that is plugin is for, which is displayed on the plugins page after upload.
Vendor/PluginDefinition11The name of the vendor which authored the plugin.
MaxConfurrentThreads/PluginDefinition12The number of concurrent threads which are allowed to execute plugin operations on any single endpoint. Default is -1, which means unlimited.
Version/PluginDefinition13The version of the plugin.
ResourceTypes/PluginDefinition14A list of server/component types which are applicable for the underlying technology. This helps identify the endpoint to run a particular operation on. (e.g. for WebLogic - NodeManager, AdminServer, ManagedServer).
Resource/PluginDefinition/ResourceTypes17A server/component types which is applicable for the underlying technology (e.g. NodeManager).
Operations/PluginDefinition/21A list of operations supported by this plugin.
Operation/PluginDefinition/Operations24An operation supported by this plugin.
Name/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation27The name of the plugin operation.
Description/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation28A description for the plugin operation.
Target/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation29The package qualified name of the Java class which implements PluginProvider or extends AbstractPluginProvider.
PropertyKeys/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation30The list of properties used by this plugin operation. See Property Definitions section for details.
PropertyKey/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/PropertyKeys33A reference to a property used by this plugin operation. See Property Definitions section for details.
Inputs/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation37A list of inputs used by this plugin operation.
AllowsUserDefined/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs40Whether or not this plugin operation allows user defined inputs. User defined inputs are useful for low-level technology plugins (e.g. shell) where the user is essentially providing the implementation via source or scripting code.
Input/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs41An input definition for this plugin operation.
Name/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input44The name of the input. Must be alpha-numeric, and be free of whitespace or special characters (except underscore). This name may be used in shell scripts or Groovy scripts and therefore must adhere to these variable naming standards.
DataType/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input45The data type of the input. Must be one of Boolean, Double, Integer, String.
Description/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input46The description of the plugin input, which is displayed on the plugin step editor of the workflow.
DisplayName/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input47The display name of the plugin input, which is displayed on the plugin step editor of the workflow.
DefaultValue/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input48The default value for the plugin input if no value is specified by the user. This value will also be displayed by default on the plugin step editor of the workflow.
IsDefaultValueExpression/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input49Identifies whether the default value for this input is an expression or a literal value, if specified.
SubDataType/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input50An optional sub-datatype for this input. Valid options are DIRECTORY, JDBCURL, and URL. Setting the SubDataType adds additional validation when user enters value.
IsRequired/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input51Indicates whether this input is required or not. Required inputs are enforced by the plugin step editor and at runtime.
IsEncrypted/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input52Indicates whether the input is encrypted or not. Encrypted values are masked on the editor, and their values are not displayed in log files.
MinValue/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input53Identifies the minimum required value for this input, and is enforced by the plugin step editor and at runtime. This value is only applicable for Integer and Double input types.
MaxValue/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input54Identifies the maximum required value for this input, and is enforced by the plugin step editor and at runtime. This value is only applicable for Integer and Double input types.
ListData/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input55Provides a list of values for this input which may be selected by the user on the plugin step editor. When ListData is provided the plugin step editor will render the value using a drop down component.
DisplayRows/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input56Defines the height of the input field on the plugin step editor.
DisplayColumns/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input57Defines the length of the input field on the plugin step editor.
LengthPrecision/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input58Defines the required input length. Only applies to String datatype.
ValidatorScript/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input59An optional Groovy script which is executed to determine whether this input's value is valid. The Value bind variable is set to the current value of this input, while every other input is available by it's name. The script must return true if validation passes, and false otherwise. When returning false, the variable ValidationMessage should be set to the message to display at runtime when validation fails.
IsMultiselect/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Inputs/Input60If the ListData attribute is provided, the IsMultiselect identifies whether the user can select more than one value. As such, the input component for this input on the plugin step editor behaves accordingly.
Outputs/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation67A list of outputs returned by this plugin operation's execution.
AllowsUserDefined/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Outputs70Whether or not this plugin operation allows user defined outputs. User defined outputs are useful for low-level technology plugins (e.g. shell) where the user is essentially providing the implementation via source or scripting code.
Output/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/Outputs71The name of the output returned from this plugin operation.
EndPointSpecification/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation75Defines the strategy used for determining the endpoint or endpoints on which a plugin operation will execute on.
Selection/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification78Defines which endpoints will be seleted as candidates to execute on.
All/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification/Selection81Indicates that all endpoints associated to the target environment instance should be selected as execution candidates.
Resource/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification/Selection82Indicates that only endpoints having the given resource name should be selected as execution candidates.
Delegated/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification/Selection83Indicates that the endpoint selection is delegated to the workflow developer (within the plugin step editor). In this case, the plugin step editor will present options of All and Resource.
Execution/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification87Of the selected endpoint candidates, determines which one(s) to execute on.
Any/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification/Execution90Indicates to execute on one of the selected endpoints (at random).
All/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification/Execution91Indicates to execute on all of the selected endpoints.
Delegated/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation/EndPointSpecification/Execution92Indicates that execution strategy is delegated to the workflow developer (within the plugin step editor). In this case, the plugin step editor will present options of Any and All.
ConsumesArtifacts/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation99Identifies whether this plugin operation consumes an artifact. Valid values are true, false, DELEGATED. In the case of DELEGATED, the plugin step editor will present a checkbox for the workflow developer to determine. When a plugin operation consumes artifacts, the associated artifacts from the artifact repository are copied to the artifact directory within the working directory on the endpoint pior prior to execution.
ProducesArtifacts/PluginDefinition/Operations/Operation100Identifies whether this plugin operation produces an artifact. Valid values are true, false, DELEGATED. In the case of DELEGATED, the plugin step editor will present a checkbox for the workflow developer to determine. When a plugin operation produces artifacts, the associated artifacts from the artifact directory on the endpoint are copied back to the server and stored in the artifact repository.
