Versions Compared


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FLX_MESSAGE_IDUnique id for the incoming webhook message
FLX_PRISTINE_PAYLOADPristine (untouched) payload from the sender. Use this payload when generating hmac strings
FLX_REMOTE_ADDRRemote address of the incoming request. If using a reverse proxy, this will be the address of the proxy, NOT the address of the original sender. A reverse proxy will typically pass the original sender address as a new header 'x-forwarded-for'.
FLX_REMOTE_HOSTRemote host of the incoming request. If using a reverse proxy, this will be the host of the proxy, NOT the host of the original sender.
HTTP_HEADERSHeaders Map of the incoming request . Ex. HTTP_HEADERS['header_name']headers. See 'Accessing Map Values' below.

Hash map Map of incoming payload. Nodes can be referenced with dot notation. Ex. PAYLOAD.field2.field3 See 'Accessing Map Values' below.

If the webhook payload cannot be converted to JSON, it will be passed as a simple string

QUERY_PARAMSQuery parameters Map of the incoming request . Nodes can be referenced with dot notation. Ex. QUERY_PARAMS.field2 query parameters. See 'Accessing Map Values' below.

titleAccessing Map Values

Map Values can be accessed a number of ways. Here are a few common ones:

  • HTTP_HEADERS['header-key-with-dash']
  • QUERY_PARAMS.paramWithNoDash
  • PAYLOAD.get('key')
  • PAYLOAD.field1.field2

Function Classes

FLEXDEPLOYFunctions for performing actions in FlexDeploy
HMACFunctions for generating an hmac string
LOGFunctions for printing log messages
GITHUBFunctions for getting information from a GitHub payload
BITBUCKETFunctions for getting information from a Bitbucket payload
SLACKFunctions for getting information from a Slack payload
