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FlexDeploy Installation with included Tomcat is recommended option for installation. See Preparing for FlexDeploy POC or Implementation if appropriate.

See FlexDeploy System Requirements for details on software and hardware requirements.

Table of Contents


For the Community Edition (free), you can contact us through our website or download the software directly here.

FlexDeploy System Requirements

Database Tier Requirements

Supported Platforms

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Unix/Linux (and its variants, such as OEL, RedHat, Solaris, AIX, etc.)

Supported Databases

FlexDeploy requires one of the following databases to be installed and running.


  • 4-8GB of RAM for the system. Less if using Docker to host the database. If combined on the same host as the application server, 8 gb should be sufficient for the database and Tomcat
  • 1 or 2 CPU
  • At least 20GB of available space, may need additional space based on purge criteria and usage.

Application Tier Requirements

Supported Platforms

  • Unix/Linux (and its variants, such as OEL, RedHat, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX etc.)
  • Microsoft Windows

Supported Application Servers and Requirements

FlexDeploy is a Java web-based application which runs on the following application servers:

Disk Requirements

Working Directory

FlexDeploy uses a working directory for temporary files to be transferred between the server and its endpoints. This directory needs to have at least 4GB of space available on the FlexDeploy Server.

  • As this file system contains only temporary files, there is no reason to backup this directory.
  • Availability of space within the server working directory is critical to functioning of the FlexDeploy platform. Therefore, the filesystem should be monitored and space should be allocated as necessary. In addition, it is recommended that this be a separate mount point.
  • Files in this directory which are older than one day will be purged automatically to help effectively manage the size.

Artifact Directory

The FlexDeploy artifact repository is a directory available on the FlexDeploy server where all build artifacts are stored, and later retrieved for the deployments. This directory needs to have at least 10GB of space available on the FlexDeploy Server.




Source Control Requirements

FlexDeploy provides out of the box integration with the following Source Control Management Systems.

  • Subversion
  • Git
  • Microsoft TFS
  • Perforce

  • CVS

  • IBM ClearCase UCM

  • PVCS
titleGit Requirement

The Git executable must be installed on the FlexDeploy server & build endpoints, and it must be accessible in its PATH. The Git executable version must be 1.7.9 or higher.

titleIBM ClearCase Requirement

For IBM ClearCase, you must copy libraries from your ClearCase server into the the application server lib folder. Detailed instructions can be found under the sections for the specific target application server platform.

Endpoint Requirements

An Endpoint is a target server where FlexDeploy can perform build or deploy activities. Endpoints are configured within the FlexDeploy UI. See following requirements for each Endpoint.

Supported Platforms

  • Microsoft Windows. For Windows endpoint, CygWin must be installed on target server - see FlexDeploy Cygwin Install Guide.
  • Unix/Linux (and its variants, such as OEL, RedHat, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX etc.)



  • There is no need to monitor this file system as FlexDeploy will automatically perform cleanup.
  • Local disk storage is preferable, but a shared file system can be used.
  • As this file system contains only temporary files, there is no reason to backup this directory.
  • Files in the working directory are transient in nature and will be purged by FlexDeploy after one day. The actual size of the directory will depend on the number of projects and deployments, but 1GB is a good starting point.


Installation Instructions
