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The Stage was aborted.

In most cases this is due to a user manually aborting the Stage. There are a select few background processes that may abort a Stage. For example when Force Completing a Release any running stages will be aborted.


The Stage has failed.

This is typically the result of a Step within the Stage failing.

Gates Completed

Gates have completed and Steps are waiting to process.

When a Stage is in this status it typically means there is another Pipeline Execution running Steps in the same Stage. Once the latter execution completes this Stage will move on to Running Steps.

See if you are concerned that a snapshot is staying in this status too long.

Gates Failed

One or more Gates within the Stage have failed.

Gates Running

The Stage is currently running Gates.

Note that any Gate waiting on some user interaction or external system still falls under this status. Waiting on user approval in an Approval Gate for example.

Not Started

The Stage has not begun to execute. This will only occur if a Stage prior to this one is still executing.

Out of Date

The Stage has been superseded and is now Out of Date.

See for more information.

At any given time there may multiple Pipeline Executions running for a Release. If at any point the latest Pipeline Execution proceeds to a later Stage than previous Pipeline Executions, they will be marked as Out of Date.


The Stage has been rejected by a user, most commonly via an Approval Gate.


The Stage has been skipped.

This can only occur via a Stage precondition in the Pipeline Definition or by providing the Skip Stages input during Snapshot creation.

Steps Running

The Stage is currently running Steps.


The Stage has been successfully completed.






The Step or Gate was aborted.

Note that users cannot directly abort Steps or Gates but rather abort the Stage, which indirectly results in an Aborted Step or Gate.


The Step or Gate failed executing.

Perhaps the most broad status, Failed can occur in a number of ways:

  • Misconfiguration in the Pipeline Definition

  • Failed executions as part of a Step

  • A quality gate not meeting its successful criteria.

Pending Approval

The Gate is awaiting an approval

Both Approval Gate and External Approval Gate will be in this status while waiting for the Approval.

Pending Review

The Step is waiting for Review

Most commonly seen in the Predeploy and Predeploy All Steps


The Step has been Rejected by the User


The Step or Gate is currently running

Out of Date

The Gate is Out of Date. This means that a newer snapshot was approved through the gate, so this one isn’t relevant anymore. You can make a new snapshot with the content from this one if you want to send it through the pipelineSee for more information.

Due to the nature of Out of Date, it is only possible for Gates to be Out of Date. For a more detailed description of Out of Date and Pipeline Execution processing see here.


The Step or Gate is currently scheduled


The Step or Gate has been skipped due to a precondition being false

Note that skipped is only displayed in the case of a precondition. A user manually skipping or overriding a Gate or Step will show a status of Success.


The Step or Gate has completed successfully.
