Select Workflows from the menu. To create a new workflow, click the plus icon in the Workflows navigation tree. The grid icon will change the navigation tree to sorted flat view.
In the workflow editor, you will see two sections titled Workflow Details and Workflow Properties. The Workflow Details section provides the basic definition for the workflow, as described in the table below.
Field | Required | Description | ||
Active | Yes | Whether this property is active or not. Defaults to YesN/A | Property is always active, whether it is part of Workflow property list or not is what matters. | |
Code | YesThe | name of the propertyUser-defined code that identifies this property, which is used in the workflow and/or plugin execution. | ||
Display Name | No | Property Scope | Display name, which is used on the property pages, etc. | |
Property Scope | Yes | Whether the property scope is is Environment Instance or or Project. Default is is Environment Instance. | ||
Description | No | A description for the property. | ||
DatatypeData Type | Yes | The property's data type. Default is is String. | ||
SubtypeSub Data Type | No | Reserved for future use. | Required | YesAllows the user to get additional validation for Directories, JDBC URLs, and URLs. |
Encrypted | No | Whether the property is required encrypted or not. Defaults to Yes. Encrypted Whether the property is encrypted or not. Encrypted property values will not display on the screen or be readable in any of the logs. Default is is No. | ||
Display Details | ||||
Rows | No | Display attribute that defines the number of rows in the input field on the Property page. | ||
Columns | No | Display attribute that defines the number of columns in the input field on the Property page. | ||
List Data CSV | No |
| No | |
Validation Details |
| No |
| No |
| No |
| No |
| No |
| No |
Updated By | N/A | The user who last updated the property (read-only). | ||
Updated On | N/A | The date/time in which the property was last updated (read-only). | Actions | N/A |
Allows the user to define a comma-separated list of values that will be displayed in the Workflow Request page. If given, a Drop-down component will be displayed on the Property page. | ||
Multi Select | No | Determines if multiple of the List Data CSV values can be selected. |
Validation Details | ||
Required | No | Whether the Property is required or not. Defaults to No. |
Length | No | For String data type, this controls length of value being entered. |
Min Value | No | User can control the minimum value for data types such as Integer, Float, Double and Long. |
Max Value | No | User can control the maximum value for data types such as Integer, Float, Double and Long. |
Default Value | No | Default value can be entered as Groovy script or literal. When using Groovy script, following Groovy variables are available:
Validation Groovy Script | No | Enter Groovy script to define validation for property value. The script should return true or false to indicate validation success or failure.
Updated By | N/A | The user who last updated the property (read-only). |
Updated On | N/A | The date/time in which the property was last updated (read-only). |
Actions | N/A | Contains the icon to remove the property. |
Click the Save button to save the changes. Note that the Definition tab is now enabled. Click the Definition tab to begin modelling the workflow, which is covered in detail in subsequent sections.
Once finished configuring the workflow definition click the Save button to save the changes. To activate the workflow version, making it the live version upon execution, click the Activate button. Note that once you activate a workflow version it is locked from any further edits. To make changes you will first need to create a new version by clicking the Make Copy button.
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
A workflow variable is transient to a workflow execution, and is used to hold any required intermediate state. Example usages for workflow variables include loop counters, assigning error codes, or holding the value of a plugin output. Note these are available within the workflow only, and are not available for use by plugins.
To access the workflow variables, click the button in workflow definition toolbar. Click the Create button to create a variable.
Enter values as described in the table below.
Field | Required | Description |
Code | Yes | The name of the workflow variable. |
Data Type | Yes | The data type of the workflow variable. |
Encrypted | Yes | Whether the variable is encrypted or not. Encrypted variables values will not display on the screen or be readable in any of the logs. Default is No. |
Initial Value | No | An optional default initial value for the workflow variable. |
Return as Output | Yes | Indicates whether the value of this variable should be returned as an output. Used exclusively by child workflows to return a value to its parent. Default is No. |
Constant | Yes | If a variable is marked as constant its value cannot be changed. Any attempt to set the value of a constant variable will result in an error. |
To delete a workflow variable, select an existing variable and click the Delete button.
Anchor | ||||
A workflow input is used to pass user defined data into a workflow. When a workflow request is submitted by a user they will be prompted to enter values for the configured inputs. If a workflow is invoked by a parent workflow the values for the inputs must be configured at development time. An example usage for a workflow input would be allowing the user or parent workflow to specify the branch or tag to use for an SCM operation. Note these are available within the workflow only, and are not available for use by plugins.
To access the workflow variablesinputs, click the button in workflow definition toolbar. Click the Create button to create a variablenew input.
Enter values as described in the table below.
Field | Required | Description | ||||
Code | Yes | User-defined code that identifies this input, which is used in the workflow. | ||||
Display Name | YesNo | The name of the workflow variable. | Display name . | |||
Description | No | A description for the input. | ||||
Data Type | Yes | The data type of the workflow variableinput.Initial Value | ||||
Encrypted | No | An optional default initial value for the workflow variable. | Return as Output | Yes | Indicates whether the value of this variable should be returned as an output. Used exclusively by child workflows to return a value to its parentYes | Whether the input is encrypted or not. Encrypted input values will not display on the screen or be readable in any of the logs. Default is No. |
Is Constant | Yes | If a variable is marked as constant its value cannot be changed. Any attempt to set the value of a constant variable will result in an error. |
A workflow input is used to pass user defined data into a workflow. When a workflow request is submitted by a user they will be prompted to enter values for the configured inputs. If a workflow is invoked by a parent workflow the values for the inputs must be configured at development time. An example usage for a workflow input would be allowing the user or parent workflow to specify the branch or tag to use for an SCM operation. Note these are available within the workflow only, and are not available for use by plugins.
The name of the workflow input.
Data Type
The data type of the workflow input.
- Rows
- Columns
- List Data CSV
- MultiSelect
- Required
- Length
- Min Value
- Max Value
Initial Value
An optional default initial value for the workflow input.
Validation Groovy Script
An optional description for the workflow input.
The workflow editor provides a drag-n-drop interface for constructing build and deploy processes, which can be composed of plugin operations, other sub-workflows, and basic workflow operations such and variable assignments, conditionals, and looping constructs.
Display Details | ||
Rows | Display attribute that defines the number of rows in the input field on the Property page. | |
Columns | Display attribute that defines the number of columns in the input field on the Property page. | |
List Data CSV | Allows the user to define a comma-separated list of values that will be displayed in the Workflow Request page. If given, a Dropdown component will be displayed on the Property page. | |
MultiSelect | Determines if multiple of the List Data CSV values can be selected. | |
Validation Details | ||
Required | Whether the Property is required or not. Defaults to No. | |
Length | For String data type, this controls length of value being entered. | |
Min Value | User can control the minimum value for data types such as Integer, Float, Double and Long. | |
Max Value | User can control the maximum value for data types such as Integer, Float, Double and Long. | |
Initial Value | No | An optional default initial value for the workflow input. |
Validation Groovy Script | No | Enter Groovy script to define validation for the input. The script should return true or false to indicate validation success or failure. See an example. |
To delete a workflow input, select an existing input and click the Delete button.
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
Anchor | ||||
The workflow editor provides a drag-n-drop interface for constructing build and deploy processes, which can be composed of plugin operations, other sub-workflows, and basic workflow operations such and variable assignments, conditionals, and looping constructs.
The main workflow editor is displayed in the center of the screen. The FlexDeploy workflows are available in the Workflows navigation tree on the left. The basic Workflow Operations are available in the upper right-hand pane. The available Plugin Operations are available on the lower right-hand pane.
To add a new step to the workflow, drag a workflow or plugin operation onto the workflow editor and drop it on the arrow located between the two steps where you want to place it. Configure the fields in the subsequent workflow step editor and click the OK button to save. See subsequent sections for specific instructions pertaining to each workflow operation type.
Lookup Script Variables
Many workflow steps allow the user to enter expressions, often these expressions require using varibles, inputs or properties, but it can be difficult to remember the exact variable, input ot property. Just click on the Lookup Script Variables icon:
The following window will open. As you type the script variable, it will filter the entire list of available inputs, properties, and variables to only those that contain the string you entered. Select one variable from suggestions. Press the Copy and Return button to make the variable name be available to paste (Ctrl + V) into the expression.
The Assign step provides the ability to assign a value to a workflow variable. Drag the Assign workflow operation onto the workflow editor, and configure its parameters as depicted in the table below.
Field | Required | Description |
Plugin Input | Yes | The name of the user input. |
Type | Yes | The data type of the user input. Default is "String". |
Is Expression | Yes | Indicates that the Value field contains a Groovy Script expression. |
Value | Yes | The value of the user input. |
To create a new output, click the New button under the User Outputs section and enter values for the fields described in the table below.
The If step provides the ability to conditionally invoke other steps. Drag the If workflow operation onto the workflow editor, and configure its parameters as depicted in the table below.
Field | Required | Description |
Step Name | Yes | The display name of the step to appear in the workflow editor. |
Condition | Yes | An expression evaluating whether the embedded workflow steps should be executed or not. The condition can reference variables, inputs, or properties using Groovy Script notation1,2. |
The While step provides the ability to loop through the execution of other steps. Drag the While workflow operation onto the workflow editor, and configure its parameters as depicted in the table below.
Field | Required | Description |
Step Name | Yes | The display name of the step to appear in the workflow editor. |
Condition | Yes | An expression evaluating whether a loop iteration should be executed1,2. The expression must return a boolean true or false. |