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  • Login into the WebLogic Administration Console
    • http://<adminserver host>:<adminserver port>/console
  • Lock console for Edit if necessary.
  • Click on the FlexDeploy_Server1 server.

  • From the Configuration tab, and the Server Start sub-tab, enter the following values in the Arguments section as per Operating System.

  • Make sure to Click Save

  • Activate Changes if necessary.

    Code Block
    titleJVM arguments (Unix)
    -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xms1024m -Xmx2048mXmx4096m -Dflexagon.fd.install.root=/opt/flexdeploy/application -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root=/opt/flexdeploy/repository -Doracle.jdbc.autoCommitSpecCompliant=false -Doracle.mds.cache=simple -Djava.awt.headless=true -DUseSunHttpHandler=true

    Code Block
    titleJVM arguments (Windows)
    -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xms1024m -Xmx2048mXmx4096m -Dflexagon.fd.install.root=c:/flexdeploy/application -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root=c:/flexdeploy/repository -Doracle.jdbc.autoCommitSpecCompliant=false -Doracle.mds.cache=simple -Djava.awt.headless=true  -DUseSunHttpHandler=true


    Please make sure to modify the arguments for Server working directory (-Dflexagon.fd.install.root) and Artifacts repository (-Dflexagon.fd.repository.root) as per your installation. Be careful in copying arguments from browser due to potential character changes.


  • From the extracted zip directory, navigate to the WebLogic/logger directory and locate these files:
    • FDWLSLogHandler.jar
    • logging.xml
  • Copy the FDWLSLogHandler.jar to the lib sub-directory of the domain.
  • Copy the logging.xml file to the config/fmwconfig/servers/FlexDeploy_Server1 subdirectory of the WebLogic domain. This step must be performed on the admin server domain if the WebLogic installation followed the Enterprise Deployment Guide (EDG).

Setup Additional Libraries

If using IBM ClearCase, you will need to copy some jar files from your ClearCase server or ClearTeam Explorer installation into <DOMAIN_HOME>/lib


Deploying JAX-RS 2.0 deployable-library

FlexDeploy 5.4 and higher requires the JAX-RS 2.0 weblogic deployable-library to be available on the Managed Server running FlexDeploy. The library ships with Weblogic and simply needs to be deployed. Instructions to do so can be found here.

Copy Additional Libraries

From the FlexDeploy WebLogic distribution, copy WebLogic/FlexDeployAPI.jar into <WebLogic Domain Home>/lib.

EAR Installation

From the extracted zip directory navigate to the WebLogic sub-directory, locate the EAR file (FlexDeploy-WLS.ear), and follow these instructions to install the EAR.


  • Launch FlexDeploy in browser when managed server is Running. http://<host>:<managed server port>/flexdeploy
  • Complete the Initial Registration process, where you will create admin user for login.
  • Please visit Administration - Plugins to view progress and eventually there should not be any jar files left in FLEXDEPLOY_WORKING_DIR/plugins.
  • Now that you have installed FlexDeploy, let's get start with configuration. You can do this in matter of minutes by using Blueprints concept, which is very simple configuration wizard for most common usecases.