To initiate a build from the Project Files tab, you select the files to be included in the build and click the Build with Selected Button. This will populate the build screen described in section 14.1.3 request form with the selected files (See Building a Partial Deployment Project).
To select the files you would like to build there are a couple of features to help.
The first column in the table is a check box that allows you to select and unselect files individually as shown in the following figure.
At the Object Type level there are three buttons as shown in the figure below. hese button These buttons do the following:
- All – Selects all of the files for that Object Type based on current filter
- None – Unselects all the files for that Object Type based on current filter
- Invert - Unselects all the files that are currently selected and selects all the files that are currently unselected based on current filter.
To manipulate the files across project types use the buttons shown in the figure below. These button do the following: