Versions Compared


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To build, deploy or execute a project, open it and go to the execution screentab.



Project When using the list view, project activity is sorted by requested time in descending order.


Select the Environment, Branch, and optionally Release, Change Numbers, and IssuesWork Items. If you have enough permissions, you can also open the advanced section and select a different workflow version. The currently active workflow version is the default.


From the Execution tab, click the Submit Deploy Request button in the row of the project version that you wish to deploy. This is the same for standard and package-based projects.



  1. The version will be filled in based on which row you initiated the deployment from, but can be changed. When initiating a package-based deployment from the project’s main Execution tab, multiple versions of different packages can be deployed at once.

  2. Make sure to select the correct environment and target group(s) that you wish to deploy to.

  3. If the project was already successfully deployed, click the Force Deploy check box.

  4. If you want to schedule the deployment, you can find that option in the Advanced section.

  5. Click the Submit button to submit the deployment request.

Building a Package-Based Project


Once the package contains the right files, you can create a build and deploy it on from the execution Execution tab. It’s easiest to do it on the Package Execution tab of the , where you will only be shown executions of your package, but the main Execution tab above works too.


Select the correct Environment and Branch, and optionally a releaseRelease, change number, ITS issueswork items, and the workflow version in Advanced. Check Force Build if you have build built from the same SCM revision in the past and want to build it again. . Click the Submit button to start the the build.


Re-build, Re-deploy, or Re-execute a Workflow Execution

Sometimes during the course of development it is helpful to redo a specific Buildbuild, Deploydeploy, Testtest, or Utility utility execution. In the case of packages, developers will be updating files and refining the package over time. You can click the Rere-build/Rere-deploy/Rere-execute icon on the project activity screen icons on a row to bring up the corresponding Request Form request form with the values from the chosen workflow execution filled in. This helps create new build, deploy, test, or utility requests quickly based on the current workflow execution's parameters.


Enter the Environment and Target Groups to run tests on. Optionally enter one or more test names or tags separated by comma to execute only those tests or tests matching those tags. Otherwise all tests that meet the filter criteria of the environment and target group will be executed.

@Since - If testing a package-based project, package name must additionally be selected to specify which package to test. The package selected must have already been deployed to the the selected Environment.

Click the Test button to start the test.


Since @Since

  • Suggestions for the Test Name field are supplied from project test configuration YAML and YAML files located in the fdtests folder in the artifacts /artifacts/fdtests directory of the latest successfully executed deployment.

  • Tags can be set on test cases for the project test configuration. The Tags field can be used to filter and run only the tests with matching tags. If left blank, all tests that meet the filter criteria of the environment, target group, and test name will be executed.

  • If both test name and test tag are specified we will consider an intersection between them.

Monitoring Project Workflow Requests
