Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Here we are editing a custom issue tracking system with properties. You can add existing properties using the drop down on the create button.


API Implementation

  •  Complete this section once the Function SDK is updated.

Your Implementation must extends the following methods extend IssueTrackingSystem in order to be used by FlexDeploy. If you are not going to allow calling a method, you can leave the body blank, or throw an error in the body, but the method must be defined. If you choose to make a Java implementation, your IDE will verify that you have implemented all the required methods. If you choose the Groovy implementation, then the FlexDeploy UI will validate that your class contains the necessary methods. Groovy implementations can be used even with 3rd party jars that you place in libext, and allow for easier iterations. The advantage of a Java implementation is a potentially tighter integration with source control.


  • Create java class that extends flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.IssueTrackingSystem. Example shown below has testConnection method implemented which uses properties map to retrieve the configuration values to connect to the issue tracking system.

  • All properties defined are available in Map returned by getProperties method.

Java Example

titleExample class


Code Block




In order to compile your java class, you will need FlexDeployAPI.jar on classpath.


Implement all the methods described in the table in the API Implementation section.

package flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.impl.redmine;

import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.IssueTrackingSystem;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItem;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemAttachment;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemComment;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemDetails;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemStatus;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemUpdate;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.ApiException;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.RestService;

import flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException;
import flexagon.ff.common.core.logging.FlexLogger;
import flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder;


public class RedmineIssueTrackingSystem
  extends IssueTrackingSystem
  private static final String CLZ_NAM = RedmineIssueTrackingSystem.class.getName();
  private static final FlexLogger LOG = FlexLogger.getLogger(CLZ_NAM);

  private static final String FDREDMINE_URL = "FDREDMINE_URL";
  private static final String FDREDMINE_ISSUE = "{REDMINE_ISSUE}";
  private static final String FDREDMINE_USER_NMAE = "FDREDMINE_USER_NMAE";
  private static final String FDREDMINE_PASSWORD = "FDREDMINE_PASSWORD";

  public RedmineIssueTrackingSystem()

  private StringBuilder getURLBuilder()
    StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder((String) getProperties().get(FDREDMINE_URL));
    return urlBuilder;

  private String getPropertyForTicket(String propertyName, String pTicketNummber)
    String origPropValue = (String) getProperties().get(propertyName);
    if (origPropValue != null)
      return origPropValue.replace(FDREDMINE_ISSUE, pTicketNummber);
      return null;

  private String getURLProperty(String propertyName, String pTicketNummber)
    String methodName = "getURLProperty";

    StringBuilder ticketURLBuilder = getURLBuilder();
    String urlProperty = ticketURLBuilder.append(getPropertyForTicket(propertyName, pTicketNummber)).toString();

    LOG.logFinestExiting(methodName, urlProperty);
    return urlProperty;

  private String getHostNameURL()
    return getURLBuilder().toString();

  private String getUserName()
    return (String) getProperties().get(FDREDMINE_USER_NMAE);

  private String getPassword()
    return (String) getProperties().get(FDREDMINE_PASSWORD);

  private FlexRESTClient getRestService()
    throws ApiException
    return RestService.getService(getHostNameURL(), getUserName(), getPassword());

  private FlexRESTClient getTicketWebResource(String pTicketNummber)
    throws ApiException
    String ticketPath = getPropertyForTicket(FDREDMINE_TICKET_URL_PATTERN, pTicketNummber);
    return getRestService().path(ticketPath);

  public String getWorkItemStatus(WorkItem ticket)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "getTicketStatus";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, ticket.getNumber());

    FlexRESTClientResponse response;
      response = RestService.checkResponse(getTicketWebResource(ticket.getNumber()).get());
    catch (FlexCheckedException e)
      throw new ApiException(e);

    JsonObject jsonObject = RestService.readJsonObject(response.getResponseString());
    JsonObject issueObject = (JsonObject) jsonObject.get("issue");
    String statusName = null;
    if (issueObject != null)
      javax.json.JsonObject status = issueObject.getJsonObject("status");
      if (status != null)
        statusName = status.getString("name");

    LOG.logFinestExiting(methodName, statusName);
    return statusName;

   * Populates ticket's data (e.g. Description with summary)
  public void populateWorkItem(WorkItem ticket)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "populateWorkItem";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, ticket);

    FlexRESTClientResponse response;
      response = RestService.checkResponse(getTicketWebResource(ticket.getNumber()).get());
    catch (FlexCheckedException e)
      throw new ApiException(e);

    JsonObject jsonObject = RestService.readJsonObject(response.getResponseString());
    if (jsonObject != null)
      javax.json.JsonObject issue = jsonObject.getJsonObject("issue");
      if (issue != null)
        javax.json.JsonObject tracker = issue.getJsonObject("tracker");
        if (tracker != null)

   * Builds absolute ticket's URL
  public String getWorkItemURL(WorkItem ticket)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "getWorkItemURL";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, ticket);

    String url = getURLProperty(FDREDMINE_TICKET_URL_PATTERN, ticket.getNumber());
    url = url.replace(".json", "");
    LOG.logFinestExiting(methodName, url);
    return url;

   * Adds a comment to a ticket
  public void addCommentToWorkItem(WorkItem ticket, String comment)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "addCommentToWorkItem";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, ticket.getNumber(), comment);
    JsonObject commentJson = Json.createObjectBuilder().add("issue", Json.createObjectBuilder().add("notes", comment)).build();

    FlexRESTClientResponse response;
      response = RestService.checkResponse(getTicketWebResource(ticket.getNumber()).mediatype(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).put(commentJson.toString()));
    catch (FlexCheckedException e)
      throw new ApiException(e);


  private int getStatusIdFromName(String pStatus)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "getStatusIdFromName";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, pStatus);

    int status_id = -1;
      String statusNumber = pStatus.split("##")[0];
      // If user saves 10 or 10##In Progress, let's try to parse it as number
      status_id = Integer.parseInt(statusNumber);
    catch (Exception nfe)
      // not integer value, call API

    if (status_id == -1)
      // call API to do conversion
        FlexRESTClientResponse response = RestService.checkResponse(getRestService().path("/issue_statuses.json").get());
        Map<String, Integer> statusMap = parseIssueStatuses(response.getResponseString());
        if (statusMap.containsKey(pStatus))
          status_id = statusMap.get(pStatus);
      catch (ApiException apie)
        throw apie;
      catch (FlexCheckedException e)
        throw new ApiException(e);

    LOG.logFinestExiting(methodName, status_id);
    return status_id;

  private Map<String, Integer> parseIssueStatuses(String pJson)
    String methodName = "parseIssueStatuses";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, pJson);

    // Example output
    //    {
    //        "issue_statuses": [
    //            {
    //                "id": 1,
    //                "name": "New",
    //                "is_closed": false
    //            },
    //            {
    //                "id": 2,
    //                "name": "In Progress",
    //                "is_closed": false
    //            },
    //            {
    //                "id": 3,
    //                "name": "Resolved",
    //                "is_closed": false
    //            },
    //            {
    //                "id": 4,
    //                "name": "Closed",
    //                "is_closed": true
    //            },
    //            {
    //                "id": 5,
    //                "name": "Rejected",
    //                "is_closed": true
    //            },
    //            {
    //                "id": 6,
    //                "name": "Ready",
    //                "is_closed": false
    //            }
    //        ]
    //    }

    Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

    JsonObject jsonObject = RestService.readJsonObject(pJson);
    JsonArray ar = jsonObject.getJsonArray("issue_statuses");
    for (int i = 0; i < ar.size(); i++)
      String name = ar.getJsonObject(i).getString("name");
      int id = ar.getJsonObject(i).getInt("id");
      map.put(name, id);

    LOG.logFinestExiting(methodName, map);
    return map;

   * Changes ticket's status
  public void changeWorkItemStatusTo(WorkItem ticket, Serializable status)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "changeWorkItemStatusTo";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, ticket.getNumber(), status);

    // Redmine API needs id and not status name
    JsonObjectBuilder addStatus = Json.createObjectBuilder().add("notes", "Status updated to " + status);
    addStatus = addStatus.add("status_id", getStatusIdFromName((String) status));
    JsonObject statusJson = Json.createObjectBuilder().add("issue", addStatus).build();

    FlexRESTClientResponse response;
      response = RestService.checkResponse(getTicketWebResource(ticket.getNumber()).mediatype(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).put(statusJson.toString()));
    catch (FlexCheckedException e)
      throw new ApiException(e);


  public void checkConnection()
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "checkConnection";

      String aboutUrl = "/users/current.json";
      LOG.logInfo(methodName, "Checking Redmine connection for user {0} with path {1}", getUserName(), getHostNameURL() + aboutUrl);
      FlexRESTClientResponse clientResponse = getRestService().path(aboutUrl).get();
      LOG.logInfo(methodName, "Successfully invoked test connection URL {0}", clientResponse);
      int statusCode = clientResponse.getResponse().getStatusInfo().getStatusCode();
      if (statusCode == 401)
        throw new ApiException("Invalid credentials.", "");
      LOG.logInfo(methodName, "Test connection response code looks valid, check content of response");
      LOG.logInfo(methodName, "Validated that JSON data was received from test connction URL invocation.");
    catch (ApiException e)
      LOG.logInfo(methodName, "ApiException in Test connection", e);
      throw e;
    catch (Exception e)
      LOG.logInfo(methodName, "Failed in Test connection", e);
      throw new ApiException("Connection failed. " + e.getMessage(), "");

  public Collection<String> parseWorkItemNumberFromChangeLogs(List<String> pChangeLogMessages, List<String> pTicketPatternList)
    throws ApiException
    String methodName = "parseWorkItemNumberFromChangeLogs";
    LOG.logFinestEntering(methodName, pChangeLogMessages, pTicketPatternList);
    Collection<String> ticketNumberList = new ArrayList<String>();
    Collection<String> parsedTicketNumbers = flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.util.ChangeLogParser.getParser().parse(pChangeLogMessages, pTicketPatternList);
    if (FlexCommonUtils.isNotEmpty(parsedTicketNumbers) && FlexCommonUtils.isNotEmpty(pTicketPatternList))
      for (String parsedTicketWithPattern: parsedTicketNumbers)
        for (String pattern: pTicketPatternList)
          if (parsedTicketWithPattern.startsWith(pattern))
            String ticketNumber = parsedTicketWithPattern.substring(pattern.length(), parsedTicketWithPattern.length());
    return ticketNumberList;

  public Collection<WorkItemComment> getWorkItemComments(WorkItem pTicket, int i, int i2)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptySet();

  public Collection<WorkItemUpdate> getWorkItemHistory(WorkItem pTicket, int i, int i2)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptySet();

  public Collection<WorkItemAttachment> getWorkItemAttachments(WorkItem pTicket)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptySet();

  public WorkItemDetails getWorkItem(WorkItem pTicket)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return null;

  public InputStream getWorkItemAttachmentContent(WorkItem pTicket, Serializable pSerializable)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return null;

  public List<WorkItemDetails> getWorkItems(List<WorkItem> pList)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptyList();

  public List<WorkItemStatus> getAvailableWorkItemStatuses(WorkItem pWorkItem)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptyList();
  • In order to compile your java class, you will need FlexDeployAPI.jar on classpath.

  • Implement all the methods defined by

  • For any failure connecting to the system or if any issues with the data, then you can throw exception. For example throw new ApiException("Invalid credentials.", "");

  • Once you are ready with unit testing, you can prepare Jar file for your credential store java class and other utility classes. This jar file can be placed on server classpath now.

    • Put this jar file in apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/libext folder.

    • If you are using any third party libraries from your Java implementation, then those jar files will also need to be added to same libext folder.


As groovy is able to access FlexDeploy variables and Java classes, you can take advantage of Java libraries from Groovy script. For example, if there is Java library used to access the issue tracking system, you can places those in lib folder and use those classes from Groovy script. This allows you to keep dynamic part of implementation in Groovy and use Java library.

Groovy Example
titleExample groovy RedmineIssueTrackingSystem.groovy
Code Block
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItem;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemAttachment;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemComment;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemDetails;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemStatus;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.WorkItemUpdate;
import flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.ApiException; 

class RedmineIssueTrackingSystem extends IssueTrackingSystem
  void checkConnection()
	String methodName = "checkConnection()";
      fdrestutils.testConnection(REDMINE_URL, "/projects/1/versions.json", REDMINE_USER_NMAE, REDMINE_PASSWORD)
    catch (Exception e)
      log.logInfo(methodName, " Failed in Test connection" + e.getMessage() + " " + e)
      throw new ApiException("Connection failed. " + e.getMessage());
  String getWorkItemStatus(WorkItem ticket)
    String methodName = "getWorkItemStatus()";
    String message = " ticket# ${ticket.toString()}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message);
    String resourcePath = REDMINE_TICKET_URL_PATTERN.replaceAll("\\{REDMINE_ISSUE\\}", ticket.getNumber())
    javax.json.JsonObject jsonObj = fdrestutils.getRequest(REDMINE_URL, resourcePath, REDMINE_USER_NMAE, REDMINE_PASSWORD);
    if(jsonObj != null)
      javax.json.JsonObject issue = jsonObj.getJsonObject("issue")
        javax.json.JsonObject status = issue.getJsonObject("status")
        if(status !=null)
          return status.getString("name")
	return null;

  String getWorkItemURL(WorkItem ticket)
    String methodName = "getWorkItemURL()";
    String message = "ticket# ${ticket.toString()}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message);
    String resourcePath = REDMINE_TICKET_URL_PATTERN.replaceAll("\\{REDMINE_ISSUE\\}", ticket.getNumber())
	message = "Redmine ticket URL is # ${REDMINE_URL}, resourcePath=${resourcePath}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message)
	return REDMINE_URL + resourcePath;
  void populateWorkItem(WorkItem ticket)
    String methodName = "populateWorkItem()";
	String message = "Populate ticket# ${ticket.toString()}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message)
    String resourcePath = REDMINE_TICKET_URL_PATTERN.replaceAll("\\{REDMINE_ISSUE\\}", ticket.getNumber())
    javax.json.JsonObject jsonObj = fdrestutils.getRequest(REDMINE_URL, resourcePath, REDMINE_USER_NMAE, REDMINE_PASSWORD);
    if(jsonObj != null)
      javax.json.JsonObject issue = jsonObj.getJsonObject("issue")
        javax.json.JsonObject tracker = issue.getJsonObject("tracker")
        if(tracker !=null)
  void addCommentToWorkItem(WorkItem ticket, String pComment)
	String methodName = "addCommentToWorkItem()";   
	  String message = " Adding comment to ${ticket.toString()} , comment=${pComment}"
      log.logInfo(methodName, message)
      def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
      def root = builder.issue {
              notes "${pComment}"
      String payload = builder.toString();
      String resourcePath = REDMINE_TICKET_REST_PATTERN.replaceAll("\\{REDMINE_ISSUE\\}", ticket.getNumber())
      fdrestutils.putRequest(REDMINE_URL, REDMINE_USER_NMAE, REDMINE_PASSWORD, resourcePath, payload);
    catch (Exception e)
      log.logInfo( methodName, " Failed while adding comment to the issue - " + e.getMessage() + " " + e)
      throw new ApiException("Connection failed. " + e.getMessage());
  void changeWorkItemStatusTo(WorkItem ticket, Serializable pStatus)
    String methodName = "changeWorkItemStatusTo()";
	String message = " Adding comment to ${ticket.toString()} , status=${pStatus}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message)
	def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
	def root = builder.issue {
		notes "Status updated to ${pStatus}"
		status_id "${pStatus}"
	String payload = builder.toString();
	String resourcePath = REDMINE_TICKET_REST_PATTERN.replaceAll("\\{REDMINE_ISSUE\\}", ticket.getNumber())
	fdrestutils.putRequest(REDMINE_URL, REDMINE_USER_NMAE, REDMINE_PASSWORD, resourcePath, payload);
  def parseWorkItemNumberFromChangeLogs(List<String> pChangeLogMessages, List<String> pTicketPatternList)
	String methodName = "parseWorkItemNumberFromChangeLogs()";
	Set<String> ticketNumberList = HashSet<String>();
	String message = " Input ChangeLogMessages=${pChangeLogMessages} , TicketPatternList=${pTicketPatternList}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message)	
    Collection<String> parsedTicketNumbers = flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.util.ChangeLogParser.getParser().parse(pChangeLogMessages, pTicketPatternList);
	message = "parsedTicketNumbers=${parsedTicketNumbers}"
    log.logInfo(methodName, message)
    if(parsedTicketNumbers != null && !parsedTicketNumbers.isEmpty() && pTicketPatternList != null && !pTicketPatternList.isEmpty())
      parsedTicketNumbers.each{ parsedTicket ->
        pTicketPatternList.each{ pattern ->
				String ticketNumber = parsedTicket.substring(pattern.length(),parsedTicket.length())
	return ticketNumberList;
  public Collection<WorkItemComment> getWorkItemComments(WorkItem pTicket, int i, int i2)
    throws ApiException
    return Collections.emptySet();
  public Collection<WorkItemUpdate> getWorkItemHistory(WorkItem pTicket, int i, int i2)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptySet();

  public Collection<WorkItemAttachment> getWorkItemAttachments(WorkItem pTicket)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptySet();

  public WorkItemDetails getWorkItem(WorkItem pTicket)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return null;

  public InputStream getWorkItemAttachmentContent(WorkItem pTicket, Serializable pSerializable)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return null;

  public List<WorkItemDetails> getWorkItems(List<WorkItem> pList)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptyList();

  public List<WorkItemStatus> getAvailableWorkItemStatuses(WorkItem pWorkItem)
    throws ApiException
    // TODO Implement this method
    return Collections.emptyList();
  • Implement all the methods described in the table in the API Implementation section

  • For any failure connecting to the system or if any issues with the data, then you can throw exception. For example, throw new ApiException("Invalid credentials.", "");
