Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

To build, deploy or execute a project you must first , open it in the Projects Explorer by double-clicking on the project or right-clicking and selecting Open.Image Removed
On the Execute tab you will see two sections titled Current State of Project Deployments and Project Activity. Current State of Project Deployments section is not available on Partial Deployment Projects or Utility Projects.

The Current State of Project Deployments indicates which environments contain which version of the project. If the project has not been deployed to an environment it will not appear in the list. This provides an easy to access summary of this project's current deployment state across all environments.

The Project Activity identifies all build and deployment requests along with the execution status for each request, whether completed/failed, pending approval, scheduled or in progress. The Workflow Request columns provides details pertaining to the build or deployment request that was submitted. Once a workflow request begins execution the Workflow Execution columns will provide details pertaining to its execution on the target instance. The Figure below describes the status lifecycle of a workflow request and its workflow execution. and go to the execution screen.



Project activity is sorted by requested time in descending order


Object Type





Workflow Request






Pending Approval


Indicates that one or more approvals are required before the request will be sent for execution.




Indicates that the request has been scheduled for execution at some time in the future.




Indicates that an approval task or scheduled task for the request has been rejected/cancelled.




Indicates that the request has received any required approvals or reached the scheduled time and is ready to begin execution.




Indicates that the request has been sent for execution.




Indicates that the request has failed.




Indicates that the request has been successfully executed.

Workflow Execution




The initial status when a request is ready for execution.




Indicates that execution is in progress.




Indicates that the execution has failed.




Indicates that the execution has completed successfully.

Building a Standard Project

From the Execution tab, click the Build button.Image Removed
Enter values in the Build Request Form as described in the table below.












The environment to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one environment configured for the build, it will be preselected.






The instance to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one instance configured for the build workflow it is preselected and marked and read-only.






Select project stream to build from. Defaults to main stream (trunk). You can select any branch stream configured on the Project Configuration screen.


Force Build




If selected, forces the build even though no changes detected in the source. By default only build if there is any change from last build.


Workflow Version Override




Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.


Workflow Inputs




Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the build workflow. The workflow itself defines whether each input is required or not.


Select the Environment, Branch, and optionally Release, Change Numbers, and Issues. If you have enough permissions, you can also open the advanced section and select a different workflow version. The currently active workflow version is the default.

Click Submit to start the build.

Deploying a



From the Execution tab, click the Submit Deploy Request button .
Image RemovedEnter values in the Deployment Request Form as described in the table below.








Project Version




in the row of the project






The environment to execute the deployment on.


Deploy Instance(s)




The instance(s) to execute the deployment on. The list of instances which appear in the list are the deploy instances which are configured for the project.


Force Deploy




Force a deployment to occur even if the project version is already current in the selected environment. Defaults to No.


Exception To Window




Indicate that the deployment is being requested to run outside of any defined deployment window, triggering an approval. Defaults to No.


Start Time




An optional delayed start time for the deployment.


Workflow Version Override




Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.


Workflow Inputs




Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the deploy workflow.

Click the Submit Request version that you wish to deploy. This is the same for standard and package-based projects.


Make sure to select the correct environment and target group(s) that you wish to deploy to.

If the project was already successfully deployed, click the Force Deploy check box.

If you want to schedule the deployment, you can find that option in the Advanced section.

Click the Submit button to submit the deployment request.

Building a


Two options available for partial project types.

  1. All Files
  2. Select Files.

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Build All Files option will display the Build request form same as standard project's Build request form. Once submitted, it will perform Populate from SCM operation and adds all new files populated from SCM and all existing files and creates package. The package name is same as Project Version. Build All Files option will be disabled, if you don't have permission to Populate from SCM for the project as it auto populates the files.


Build All Files option will be disabled if Package Build Type is set to "Packages Only". Similarly, Build Select Files option will be disabled if Package Build Type is set to "All Files Only".

Build Selected Files option will display the following Build request form and gives option to select one or more files.

Image RemovedEnter values in the Build Request Form as described in the table below.












The environment to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one environment configured for the build, it will be preselected.






The instance to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one instance configured for the build workflow it is preselected and marked as read-only.






Select project stream to build from. Defaults to main stream (trunk). You can select any branch stream configured on the Project Configuration screen.


Force Build




If selected, forces the build even though no changes detected in the source. By default only build if there is any change from last build. Currently only appears when SVN is selected as SCM Type in Project Configuration.


Workflow Version Override




Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version. Defaults to the active version.


Workflow Inputs




Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the build workflow. The workflow itself defines whether each input is required or not.


Package Name




Name of the package.

  • If <No Name> is selected, build is initiated without any specific package name.
  • File list will be updated when you select a package, except when selecting <No Name> or newly created package.
  • Package name list will be filtered if Release is selected based on packages configured in Release definition.
  • If you want to add new package, click Plus icon and enter new package name.Package Name can only contain Letters, Numbers, Underscore, Dash, Dot, Space and Parentheses. If you have configured Package Name Script, then new package name will default accordingly.
  • If you want to use existing package, you can just select it from drop-down. If there are too many items in drop-down, you can click + icon and start typing package name in popup, then select specific package, click OK. In this situation, you will be just selecting existing package.

Adding Files

To update the files to be a part of this build, enter a portion of the File Name and click Add File(s) button. Files that match value entered will be appended to the list. If no value is entered in Search Files to Add then Add File(s) popup will show up, you can now filter files by entering partial text in Search input, then either Add All files or select some files and use Add Selected button to add selected files. For both cases, files are appended to the list of files in package details.

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You can also use Add Changed button to add any files that have changed since the last build.

Alternatively, you can add files from a previous package. Select the Add Files(s) from Package button and the following screen pops up:

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You can filter the list of packages by entering a portion of the name and select one of the search options (Starts with, Ends with, Contains, Equals) and press the Search button.  To remove the search criteria, press the Reset button.  Choose the package you would like to add files from by clicking on the Project Version or Package Name link.  The following screen will pop up allowing you to select the files from that package:

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Filtering the list of files can be done by entering a portion of the name and clicking the Filter button.  Then only the files containing the filter string will be displayed.

You may append selected files by pressing the Add Selected button or append all the currently filtered files by pressing the Add All button. To return to the Add Files from Package Screen, press the Back to Select Package button. The Cancel button will return you to the Build Request Form. If you use Replace Selected or Replace All, files selected or all files will replace file current added to package.

Note: The revision in the package may be blank for 2 reasons, either the package was created before revisions were tracked or the files is Sources from EBS and not SCM.  If it is sourced from EBS, the build will once again take the file available in EBS and not the file that was built in the package you selected.

Removing Files

To remove files from the list of files to be included in the build, select the files and select Remove from the Selected Files drop down.

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Clear Selected Revisions

 Clears the revisions for the files that are selected, go to the Selected Files drop down and choose Clear Revisions. If revision is not present latest file will be retrieved from source control system.

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Entering Revisions

On the Build Request Form, you can add revisions for each file you are building.  Currently, these revisions all must be contained by the stream you selected for the build.

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You may enter the revision in the text box or click the magnifying glass to look up the revision.  When looking up the revision, the following screen will pop up:

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You may enter a filter text which will show those revisions that either the Revision or Commit Message contain the Filter Text.  To select the revision you want, click on the Revision link.

A empty revision will default to the Head revision on the selected stream.

Selecting Files

To help with selecting and unselecting files the Select drop down has the following options:

  • All – Selects all the files in the list
  • None – Unselects all the files in the list
  • Invert - Unselects all the files that are currently selected and selects all the files that are currently unselected.

You may also manually check and uncheck the files with the check box at the start of each row.

Ordering Files

At times, the order of both build and deploy can be important. You can control the order by the sequence of the files in the list. If you need to alter the order, use the Up Button to move the selected row(s) up one row. If multiple rows are selected, the top row is moved up by 1 row, the remaining selected rows are placed right below the highest selected row. Use the Down Button to move the selected row(s) down one row. If multiple rows are selected, the bottom row is moved down by 1 row, the remaining selected rows are placed right above the lowest selected row. Similarly you can use Top and Bottom to move selected row(s) to top or bottom of list.

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Submit Request


Package-Based Project

Package-based projects have an extra tab called Packages. This tab allows you to define groups of files that will be built and deployed together.

The screenshot below shows a Salesforce project with several packages in it.


Open a package to view and modify its contents.


Files can be added to the package either from the file list or by adding an SCM revision. If you add by revision, all files that were added or modified in the selected revision will be added to the package.


Files can also be removed from the package on the package files screen.


Once the package contains the right files, you can create a build and deploy it on the execution tab.

It’s easiest to do it on the Execution tab of the package, but the Execution tab above works too.


Select the correct Environment and Branch, and optionally a release, change number, ITS issues, and the workflow version in Advanced. Check Force Build if you have build from the same SCM revision in the past and want to build again..

Click the Submit button to start the the build.

Re-build, Re-deploy, or Re-execute a Workflow Execution

During Sometimes during the course of development this option it is very useful helpful to redo a specific Build, Deploy, Test, or Utility execution. In the case of packages, developers will be updating files and refining the package over time. You can click the Re-build/Re-deploy/Re-execute icon on the project activity screen in the Project Version column. This will to bring up the corresponding Request Form with stream, flexfields, workflow inputs, and force flag selected per selected workflow execution. Depending on the workflow execution selected, more fields will be automatically populated such as for package based build where the files will automatically be populated with selected revisionsthe values from the chosen workflow execution filled in. This helps create new build, deploy, test, or utility requests quickly based on the current workflow execution's parameters. Now user can add / remove files or change revisions or clear out revision to fetch latest files prior to submitting request. 

  • Package Build Type will effect the availability of re-build and re-deploy for partial deployment projects. If Package Build Type is set to "Both", which is the default, then all options will be available.
  • Only Build, Deploy, and Utility Workflows Executions are supported as of
  • For Deploy Workflow Executions - Project Version must be active otherwise re-deploy will not be available
  • The redo option are also available on the project workflow execution screen.

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Deploying a Partial Deployment Project

From the Execution tab of a partial deploy project, click the Deploy button.








Project Version




The version of the project to submit for deployment.






The environment to execute the deployment on.


Deploy Instance(s)




The instance(s) to execute the deployment on. The list of instances which appear in the list are the deploy instances which are configured for the project.


Force Deploy




Force a deployment to occur even if the project version is already current in the selected environment. Defaults to No.


Exception To Window




Indicates that the deployment is being requested to run outside of any defined deployment window, triggering an approval. Defaults to No.


Start Time




An optional delayed start time for the deployment.


Flex Fields




Optionally, you can create flex fields for the user to enter as a part of the request. In the Figure above, the Flex Field is "Rollback on Failure?".


Workflow Version Override




Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.


Workflow Inputs




Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the deploy workflow.












Select the Any radio button to indicate that the search results should include packages that contain either Project Version or Package Name search string, or the All radio button to indicate that the search results should only include packages that contain both the Project Version and Package Name search string.


Project Version




Select the search option (either Starts with, Ends with, Equals, or Contains) and enter the text to search for project versions.


Package Name




Select the search option (either Starts with, Ends with, Equals, or Contains) and enter the text to search for package names.


If you would like to see the file details for a package, click on the arrow in front of the package:

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When you have the set of packages you wish to deploy, click the Submit Request button to submit the deployment request.  Each package will run as a separate workflow request and workflow execution in the Project Activity table. 


Executing a Utility Project

From the Execution tab, click the Execute button.Image Removed


Enter values

Fill in the  Execute Request Form as described in the table below.












The environment to execute the deployment on.


Execute Instance(s)




The instance(s) to execute the workflow on. The list of instances which appear in the list are the deploy instances which are configured for the project.


Force Execute




Alway set to yes.  Utility projects will execute every time.


Exception To Window




Indicate that the execution is being requested to run outside of any defined execution window, triggering an approval. Defaults to No.


Start Time




An optional delayed start time for the execution.


Workflow Version Override




Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.


Workflow Inputs




Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the deploy workflow.

Click the Submit Request values of the Environment and the Target Groups you wish to execute the utility on. Optionally enter change tickets or a start time in the advanced section.

Click the Submit button to submit the execute request.

Testing a Project

From the Execution tab, click the Test button.Image Removed


Enter values in the Run Tests Request Form as described below. 












The environment to execute the test on. The environment, along with the instance, is used to determine the tests to execute based on strategy.






The instance to execute the test against. The instance, along with the environment, is used to determine the tests to execute based on strategy.






The stream to execute the test against. Along with strategy, the stream helps identify which tests will be executed.


Test Type




Restricts the test type to execute within the strategy matching the given environment and instance.


Test Set




Restricts the test set to be executed within the matching strategy and test type.


Test Definition




Restricts the tests to be executed within the matching strategy, test type, and test set.

Click the Submit Request button to submit the test executionEnvironment and Target Groups to un tests on. Optionally enter a test name to execute. Otherwise all tests that meet the filter criteria of the environment and target group will be executed.

Click the Test button to start the test.

Monitoring Project Workflow



Once a project build or deployment request has been submitted, the request status can be monitored by clicking on the Request Id.

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The request shows data that was available when the workflow request was created, and doesn’t rely on the workflow having started to show up.

Read more about the Project Workflow Request.

Monitoring Project Workflow Execution

Once a project build or deployment request has been submitted, it can be monitored by clicking on the Execution Id.Image Removed
You can click on the Refresh button and watch the statuses progress throughout the lifecycle until it is either a Failure or Success. To see more details about an execution, click on the id in the Execution Id column of the Project Activity section.


The pages changes as the workflow runs. You can see the details in the screens on the left.


Read more about the Project Workflow Execution.