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Groovy script can be written for many configuration values on specific step or gate. Additionally, gate or step can be skipped by providing Precondition groovy script as well. All such groovy script has access to various variables and methods listed below on this page.
FlexDeploy allows for finding such variables and methods using Variable Lookup help. Prior versions allowed such help with use ofImage Removed drop-down next to script input.

Image Removed








ID of the execution


Allows access to execution details for Gate, Step, Deploy or Utility workflows.

This variable was previously called FD_Release, which will continue to work but is deprecated now.


Allows access to details entered by user on Stage Execution Info.

It will not show any default values or FlexFields or WorkFlowInputs that are not set in the Stage Execution Info popup (The Paper Clip on the release dashboard screen)


Methods for stgexec variable.




returns environment code

e.g. "DEV"


returns the name of the release

e.g "December Release"


returns the name of the snapshot

e.g. 12-04-2019 16:21:18


returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot.


returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which were deployed successfully.


returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which failed to deploy.


returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which were skipped.


returns all skipped projects concatenated in the format "ProjectName,PartialProjectName (PackageName),..."


returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which were not attempted.


returns true if any projects in a specific group of projects failed to deploy or submit.

returns false if the group doesn't exist or if the group doesn't have any failed project deployments.


returns true if any deploy or utility workflows in a specific group failed.

returns false if the group doesn't exist or if the group doesn't have any failed projects.


returns true if any utility workflows in a specific group failed.

returns false if the group doesn't exist or if the group doesn't have any failed utility projects.


Groovy script can be written for many configuration values on specific step or gate. Additionally, gate or step can be skipped by providing Precondition groovy script as well. All such groovy script has access to various variables and methods listed below on this page. For some samples of such scripts, see Groovy Script Examples.

FlexDeploy allows for finding such variables and methods using Variable Lookup help. Prior versions allowed such help with use ofImage Added drop-down next to script input.

Image Added




Name of the release provided when created
SnapshotIdInternal id value of Snapshot.
SnapshotNameName of the snapshot (auto generated by date and time when created)
SnapshotDuplicateFilesFlagTrue if there are duplicate files in the snapshot
SnapshotDescriptionDescription of the snapshot

ID of the execution

PipelineDefinitionIdPipeline Id.
PipelineNamePipeline name.

Allows access to execution details for Gate, Step, Deploy or Utility workflows.

This variable was previously called FD_Release, which will continue to work but is deprecated now.


Allows access to details entered by user on Stage Execution Info.

It will not show any default values or FlexFields or WorkFlowInputs that are not set in the Stage Execution Info popup (The Paper Clip on the release dashboard screen)

topologyAllows access to properties within Topology Integration Accounts such as Source Control, Change Management, Cloud, or other tools. 
releaseReturns Release object with methods - getReleaseName(), getReleaseDefinitionId(), getDescription(). These are details of the Release.
snapshotReturns Snapshot object with methods - getSnapshotId(), getReleaseDefinitionId(), getSnapshotName(), getDescription(), getDuplicateFilesFlag(), getCreatedBy(). These are details of the Snapshot being executed. getCreatedBy was added as part of
deploystate@since Allows access to methods to compare an incoming snapshot to the projects or packages currently deployed on a stage.

@since Object exposing REST functions. For more info see Using the REST object.

EMAIL@since Functions for formatting and sending emails.
FLEXDEPLOY@since Functions for performing actions in FlexDeploy.
TOPOLOGY@since Functions for retrieving environments and target groups from the topology as well as other helper functions.
<Release Property Code>All release properties are exposed as variables.
<Snapshot Variable Code>All release snapshot variables are exposed as variables.

Methods for stgexec variable.




returns environment code

e.g. "DEV"


returns the name of the release

e.g "December Release"


returns the name of the snapshot

e.g. 12-04-2019 16:21:18

stgexec.getProjectStageExecution(projectId, packageName)returns ProjectStageExecution object for given a project id and package name. Both project id and package name must match.
stgexec.getProjectStageExecution(projectName, packageName)returns ProjectStageExecution object for given a project name and package name. Both project name and package name must match.

returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot.

stgexec.getSnapshotProjectsAsString()returns all projects in snapshot concatenated in the format "ProjectName,PartialProjectName (PackageName),..."

returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which were deployed successfully.

stgexec.getSnapshotDeployedProjectsAsString()returns all successfully deployed projects concatenated in the format "ProjectName,PartialProjectName (PackageName),..."

returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which failed to deploy.

stgexec.getSnapshotFailedProjectsAsString()returns all failed projects concatenated in the format "ProjectName,PartialProjectName (PackageName),..."

returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which were skipped.


returns all skipped projects concatenated in the format "ProjectName,PartialProjectName (PackageName),..."


returns list of ReleaseProjectVersion objects in the snapshot which were not attempted.

stgexec.getSnapshotNotAttemptedProjectsAsString()returns all not attempted projects concatenated in the format "ProjectName,PartialProjectName (PackageName),..."
stgexec.isAnyDeployFailed()returns true if any projects failed to deploy or submit.

returns true if any projects in a specific group of projects failed to deploy or submit.

returns false if the group doesn't exist or if the group doesn't have any failed project deployments.

stgexec.isAnyDeployOrUtilityFailed()returns true if any deploy or utility workflows failed.

returns true if any deploy or utility workflows in a specific group failed.

returns false if the group doesn't exist or if the group doesn't have any failed projects.

stgexec.isAnyUtilityFailed()returns true if any utility workflows failed.

returns true if any utility workflows in a specific group failed.

returns false if the group doesn't exist or if the group doesn't have any failed utility projects.

stgexec.isProjectDeployed(projectId)returns true only if project was deployed successfully. If partial deployment project, then if any package failed, this will return false, but if some packages were skipped and some deployed successfully this will still return true.
stgexec.isProjectDeployed(projectId, packageName)returns true if a project is deployed, given the project id and package name. If package name is not supplied, this will behave same as stgexec.isProjectDeployed(projectId) method.
stgexec.isProjectDeployed(projectName)returns true only if project was deployed successfully. If partial deployment project, then if any package failed, this will return false, but if some packages were skipped and some deployed successfully this will still return true.
stgexec.isProjectDeployed(projectName, packageName)

returns true if a project is deployed, given the project name and package name. If package name is not supplied, this will behave same as stgexec.isProjectDeployed(projectName) method.

stgexec.isProjectFailed(projectId)returns true if a project failed to deploy or submit. if skipped or not attempted, this will return false. If partial deployment project, then if any package failed, this will return true.
stgexec.isProjectFailed(projectId, packageName)

returns true if a project failed to deploy, given the project id and package name. If package name is not supplied, this will behave same as stgexec.isProjectFailed(projectId).

stgexec.isProjectFailed(projectName)returns true if a project failed to deploy or submit. if skipped or not attempted, this will return false. If partial deployment project, then if any package failed, this will return true.
stgexec.isProjectFailed(projectName, packageName)returns true if a project failed to deploy, given the project name and package name. If package name is not supplied, this will behave same as stgexec.isProjectFailed(projectName).
stgexec.isProjectSkipped(projectId)returns true if project is skipped. If partial deployment project, then if any package failedis skipped, this method will return false, but if some packages were skipped and some deployed successfully this will still return true.
stgexec.isProjectDeployedisProjectSkipped(projectId, packageName)

returns true if a project is


skipped, given the project id and package name. If package name is not supplied


then this method will behave same as stgexec.





stgexec.isProjectDeployedisProjectSkipped(projectName)returns true only if project was deployed successfullyis skipped. If partial deployment project, then if any package failedis skipped, this will return false, but if some packages were skipped and some deployed successfully this will still method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectDeployedisProjectSkipped(projectName, packageName)

returns true if a project is deployedskipped, given the project name and package name. If package name is not supplied , then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectDeployedisProjectSkipped(projectName) method.

stgexec.isProjectFailedisProjectNotAttempted(projectId)returns true if a project failed to deploy or submit. if skipped or not attempted, this will return falseproject was not attempted. If partial deployment project, then if any package failedis not attempted, this method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectFailedisProjectNotAttempted(projectId, packageName)

returns true if a project failed to deploywas not attempted, given the project id and package name. If package name is not supplied , then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectFailedisProjectNotAttempted(projectId).

stgexec.isProjectFailedisProjectNotAttempted(projectName)returns true if a project failed to deploy or submit. if skipped or not attempted, this will return falseproject was not attempted. If partial deployment project, then if any package failedis not attempted, this method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectFailedisProjectNotAttempted(projectName, packageName)returns true if a project failed to deploywas not attempted, given the project name and package name. If package name is not supplied , then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectFailedisProjectNotAttempted(projectName).


true if project is skipped. If partial deployment project, then if any package is skipped, this method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectSkipped(projectId, packageName)

returns true if a project is skipped, given the project id and package name. If package name is not supplied then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectSkipped(projectId).

stgexec.isProjectSkipped(projectName)returns true if project is skipped. If partial deployment project, then if any package is skipped, this method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectSkipped(projectName, packageName)

returns true if a project is skipped, given the project name and package name. If package name is not supplied then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectSkipped(projectName).

stgexec.isProjectNotAttempted(projectId)returns true if project was not attempted. If partial deployment project, then if any package is not attempted, this method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectNotAttempted(projectId, packageName)

returns true if a project was not attempted, given the project id and package name. If package name is not supplied then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectNotAttempted(projectId).

stgexec.isProjectNotAttempted(projectName)returns true if project was not attempted. If partial deployment project, then if any package is not attempted, this method will return true.
stgexec.isProjectNotAttempted(projectName, packageName)returns true if a project was not attempted, given the project name and package name. If package name is not supplied then this method will behave same as stgexec.isProjectNotAttempted(projectName).

returns gate status String, "SUCCESSFUL", "RUNNING", "FAILED" or null if the gate name doesn't match or doesn't yet have a status.

note that Skipped steps that were FAILED will still return FAILED.

If an invalid gate name is given or the gate hasn't run yet, the status will be null.

isGateSuccessful(gateName)returns true if gate status is SUCCESSFUL.
isGateFailed(gateName)returns true if gate status is FAILED.
isGateSkipped(gateName)returns true if gate status is PRECOND_SKIPPED.
isAnyGateFailed()returns true if any gate failed.
isAnyGateSkipped()returns true if any gate was skipped.

returns step status String, "SUCCESSFUL", "RUNNING", "FAILED" or null if the gate name doesn't match or doesn't yet have a status.

If an invalid step name is given or the step hasn't run yet, the status will be null.

isStepSuccessful(stepName)returns true if step status is SUCCESSFUL.
isStepFailed(stepName)returns true if step status is FAILED.
isStepSkipped(stepName)returns true if step status is PRECOND_SKIPPED.
isAnyStepFailed()returns true if any step failed.
isAnyStepSkipped()return true if any step was skipped.

gate status String, "SUCCESSFUL", "RUNNING", "FAILED" or null if the gate name doesn't match or doesn't yet have a status.

note that Skipped steps that were FAILED will still return FAILED.

If an invalid gate name is given or the gate hasn't run yet, the status will be null.

isGateSuccessful(gateName)returns true if gate status is SUCCESSFUL.
isGateFailed(gateName)returns true if gate status is FAILED.
isGateSkipped(gateName)returns true if gate status is PRECOND_SKIPPED.
isAnyGateFailed()returns true if any gate failed.
isAnyGateSkipped()returns true if any gate was skipped.

returns step status String, "SUCCESSFUL", "RUNNING", "FAILED" or null if the gate name doesn't match or doesn't yet have a status.

If an invalid step name is given or the step hasn't run yet, the status will be null.

isStepSuccessful(stepName)returns true if step status is SUCCESSFUL.
isStepFailed(stepName)returns true if step status is FAILED.
isStepSkipped(stepName)returns true if step status is PRECOND_SKIPPED.
isAnyStepFailed()returns true if any step failed.
isAnyStepSkipped()return true if any step was skipped.

returns an array of deploy workflow output values with the given output name irrespective of project.

e.g. [1234123]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"

stgexec.getProjectWorkflowOutputValues(projectName, outputName)

returns an array of deploy workflow output values with the given output name for the given project name.

e.g. [1234123]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"


returns a map of deploy workflow output values for the given project id. Key of map is output name and value is list of output values.

e.g. [OP1:[1,3], ENCOP2:[******, ******], BOP3:[false], DBOP4:[123.456], INOP5:[1234,123]]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"


returns a map of deploy workflow output values for the given project name. Key of map is output name and value is list of output values.

e.g. [OP1:[1,3], ENCOP2:[******, ******], BOP3:[false], DBOP4:[123.456], INOP5:[1234,123]]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"


returns an array of build output values with the given output name irrespective of project.

e.g. [1234123]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"

stgexec stgexec.getProjectWorkflowOutputValuesgetProjectBuildWorkflowOutputValues(projectName, outputName)

returns an array of build output values with the given output name for the given project name.

e.g. [1234123]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"


returns a map of build output values for the given project id. Key of map is output name and value is list of output values.

e.g. [OP1:[1,3], ENCOP2:[******, ******], BOP3:[false], DBOP4:[123.456], INOP5:[1234,123]]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"


returns a map of build output values for the given project name. Key of map is output name and value is list of output values.

e.g. [OP1:[1,3], ENCOP2:[******, ******], BOP3:[false], DBOP4:[123.456], INOP5:[1234,123]]

Note that any encrypted workflow outputs will return as "******"

stgexec.getGateTaskUserInfo(gateName)Returns TaskUserInfo object for a given Manual or Externa gate  name.
stgexec.getStepTaskUserInfo(stepName)Returns TaskUserInfo object for a given Manual task step name.




getRelatedTicket()returns related ticket associated to the stage.
getRelatedTicket(projectId)returns related ticket associated to snapshot project or the stage.  If not found, related ticket is returned from the stage.
getRelatedTicket(projectId, packageName)returns related ticket associated to the snapshot project and package.  If not found, related ticket is returned from the stage.
setRelatedTicket(ticketNumber)sets the related ticket field on stage.
setRelatedTicket(projectId, ticketNumber)sets the related ticket field for the snapshot project on the stage.
setRelatedTicket(projectId, packageName, ticketNumber)sets the related ticket field for the snapshot project and package on the stage.
getWorkflowInputs(inputName)returns list of deploy workflow inputs for input name irrespective of project.

returns a map of of deploy workflow input values for the given project name. Key of map is input name and value is list of input values.

getWorkflowInputMap(projectId)returns a map of deploy workflow input values for the given project id. Key of map is input name and value is list of input values.
getWorkflowInputMap(projectId, packageName)returns a map of of deploy workflow input values for the given project id and package name. Key of map is input name and value is list of input values.
getWorkflowInputMap(projectName, packageName)returns a map of of deploy workflow input values for the given project name and package name. Key of map is input name and value is list of input values.
getFlexFields(flexfieldCode)returns list of flex field values for code irrespective of project.
getFlexFieldMap(projectId)returns a map of flex field values for the given project id. Key of map is flex field code and value is list of flex field values.
getFlexFieldMap(projectName)returns a map of flex field values for the given project name. Key of map is flex field code and value is list of flex field values.
getFlexFieldMap(projectId, packageName)returns a map of flex field values for the given project id and package name. Key of map is flex field code and value is list of flex field values.
getFlexFieldMap(projectName, packageName)

returns a map of flex field values for the given project name and package name. Key of map is flex field code and value is list of flex field values.

isUserNoOverride(projectId)returns true if the deploy override option is No Override for the snapshot project on the stage.
isUserNoOverride(projectId, packageName)returns true if the deploy override option is No Override for the snapshot project and package on the stage.
isUserForceDeploy(projectI)returns true if the deploy override option is Force for the snapshot project on the stage.
isUserForceDeploy(projectId, packageName)returns true if the deploy override option is Force for the snapshot project and package on the stage.
isUserSkipDeploy(projectId)returns true if the deploy override option is Skip for the snapshot project on the stage.
isUserSkipDeploy(projectId, packageName)returns true if the deploy override option is Skip for the snapshot project and package on the stage.
setUserNoOverride(projectId)removes any previously set deploy option override for the snapshot project on the stage.
setUserNoOverride(projectId, packageName)removes any previously set deploy option override for the snapshot project and package on the stage.
setUserForceDeploy(projectId)force deploy the snapshot project on the stage.
setUserForceDeploy(projectId, packageName)force deploy the snapshot project and package on the stage.
setUserSkipDeploy(projectId)skip the deployment for the snapshot project on the stage.
setUserSkipDeploy(projectId, packageName)skip the deployment for the snapshot project and package on the stage.
setInstanceOverride(projectId, instanceCode)

Set instance override (deploy or utility) for specified project id. @Since

If specified instance is not mapped to current environment then execution will be skipped.

utility) for specified project id. @Since

If specified instance is not mapped to current environment then execution will be skipped.

This method is to be used for Full Deployment project of All Files Partial Deployment project. If you are using stgexec.getSnapshotProjects(), then just use setInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName, instanceCode) as package name will be null for full project or all files in stgexec.getSnapshotProjects().

setInstanceOverride(projectId, instanceCodeList)

Set instance overrides (deploy or utility) for specified project id. Execution will only happen against specified instances (supply java.util.List of String instance codes) if it is mapped to current environment. @Since codes that are not mapped to current environment will be skipped.1

Instance codes that are not mapped to current environment will be skipped.

This method is to be used for Full Deployment project of All Files Partial Deployment project. If you are using stgexec.getSnapshotProjects(), then just use setInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName, instanceCode) as package name will be null for full project or all files in stgexec.getSnapshotProjects().

setInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName, instanceCode)

Set instance overrides (deploy or utility) for specified project id and package name. @Since

If specified instance is not mapped to current environment then execution will be skippedto current environment then execution will be skipped.

This method is to be used for Partial Deployment project where Package is used in release. If you are using stgexec.getSnapshotProjects(), then just use setInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName, instanceCode) as package name will be null for full project or all files in stgexec.getSnapshotProjects().

setInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName, instanceCodeList)

Set instance overrides (deploy or utility) for specified project id and package name. Execution will only happen against specified instances (supply java.util.List of String instance codes), if it is mapped to current environment. @Since codes that are not mapped to current environment will be skipped.1

Instance codes that are not mapped to current environment will be skipped.

This method is to be used for Partial Deployment project where Package is used in release. If you are using stgexec.getSnapshotProjects(), then just use setInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName, instanceCode) as package name will be null for full project or all files in stgexec.getSnapshotProjects().

getInstanceOverride(projectId)Returns List of instance codes configured as overrides. @Since
getInstanceOverride(projectId, packageName)Returns List of instance codes configured as overrides. @Since
setFlexField(projectId, code, value)Set the value of the flex field for the snapshot project on the stage.
setFlexField(projectId, packageName, code, value)Set the value of the flex field for the snapshot project and package on the stage. If package name is null, all the release projects with the matching projectid will be updated with the same value.
setWorkflowInput(projectId, code, value)Set the value of the workflow inputs for the snapshot project on the stage.
setWorkflowInput(projectId, packageName, code, value)Set the value of the workflow inputs for the snapshot project and package on the stage. If package name is null, all the release projects with the matching projectid will be updated with the same value.





returns a Map<String, Object> containing all the properties for the integration account matching the passed instance code. Key of map is a property code and value is the primitive value for that property.

e.g. Git SCM Account [FDGIT_URL:, FDGIT_USER: flexagon9, FDGIT_PASSWORD: password123, FDGIT_TIMEOUT: null]

topology.getMappedInstances()returns list of instance codes that are mapped to current stage(environment)
topology.isMappedToCurrentEnvironment(instanceCode)returns true or false to indicate whether provided instanceCode is mapped to current stage(environment)

Methods for release object

release.getReleaseName()returns the name of the release
release.getReleaseDefinitionId()returns the internal id of the release
release.getDescription()returns the description for the release

Methods for snapshot object

snapshot.getSnapshotId()returns the internal id of the snapshot
getReleaseDefinitionId()returns the internal id of the snapshot's release
snapshot.getSnapshotName()returns the snapshot name
snapshot.getDescription()returns the snapshot description
snapshot.getDuplicateFilesFlag()returns whether the snapshot packages have duplicate files which may have conflicting revisions


titleOverride deploy instance on all projects with Plugin suffix in name


Methods for deploystate variable

deploystate.willProjectDeploy(projectId)returns the boolean isProjectDeployed flag, if the project with the given projectId has changes in the snapshot compared to what is already deployed on the current stage.
deploystate.willProjectDeploy(projectId, packageName)returns the boolean isProjectDeployed flag, if the package with the given projectId and packageName has changes in the snapshot compared to what is already deployed on the current stage. This method will return true if any file in the project package has changed. Use this method with partial deployment projects. When partial project is building all files, then simply pass null for packageName parameter.