Versions Compared


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Azure Tenant Id

Azure Tenant Id for the company.

Azure Subscription Id

Azure Subscription where the Virtual Machine exists.

Azure Client ID

Client ID to connect to desired Azure Subscription.

Azure Client Key

Password for the Client ID

Virtual Machine Name

The Name of the Virtual Machine to start.

Virtual Machine Resource Id(s)

Provide either comma or space separated Resource Ids of the Virtual Machine(s).

Azure Resource Group

The Resource Group containing the Virtual Machine.

Azure CLI installation

Azure CLI needs to be installed where the plugin operation shall run (preferably FlexDeploy server)

Azure CLI in class path

Azure CLI should be added to class path in the Server of execution. Else the path can also be set under FlexDeploy environment level property.



Cloud Account

First, an Azureaccount needs to be configured under Integrations. FlexDeploy will connect to the right Azure Subscription with provided details and starts the Virtual Machine(s).


  1. Do a Test Connection. The green color ticket mark will show that the connection is successful. If it is not and you see an error code containing “403: Check api permissions”, see Granting enterprise applications access to your Virtual Machines.

  2. After entering the credential, click on Save on the cloud instance.


Utility Workflow


Utility Workflow

Navigate to


Workflows and create a


The Workflow Group and Subgroup define the folder hierarchy. Once the workflow is created, it should look like the below. No constraint on workflow or folder naming convention.


The steps of the workflow execution can be configured through the Definition section.

  1. Navigate to Plugin Operations section and search for Azure plugin startVM operation.

  2. Drag the operation under workflow execution step as shown below.


Below given utility workflow using the (blue star) button as highlighted below.


Below is a sample utility workflow to start the Virtual Machine.


The StartVM operation returns three output variables. To capture them and use them for further processing/evaluation, one can create three variables and map them against the output parameters. Return As Output drop down option should be set as Yeschecked.

  1. First, navigate to the Workflow Definition tab and click on the Variables button.

  2. Next use Create option to add Click on the X2 button to open the Variables popup.

  3. Create three output variables. Return As Output is marked as true checked so that the workflow will return the same these variables as OutputOutputs. These variables can then further be used for other purposes.


Map the variables against the output of the StartVM operation to capture the responses.


Save & Activate the workflow.


You can provide the VM Name & Resource Group or VM Resource Id(s) in the Project properties. Azure Plugin will consider the values and start the servers.
