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titleEmail Failed Logs Script
Code Block
import flexagon.ff.adfextmodel2.commonpojo.model.pojos.communication.EmailAttachment;
import groovy.json.JsonOutput;

//Carry out any custom action you wish for this event. Check out the documentation for reference or ideas.
//Optionally filter out events you dont want to execute by returning false on the filter script tab.
def listenerName = "Email Failed Logs";"Running listener: ${listenerName}");

//retrieve plugin log input stream map
def logs = FLEXDEPLOY.getPluginLogInputStreams(EVENT.payload.workflowExecutionId);
def attachments = [];

//for each entry create and add a new attachment
//prior to logs would be a list instead of a map
logs.each { log -> 
  attachments.add(new EmailAttachment(log.value,"${log.key}.txt","text/plain"));
}"Sending email with ${attachments.size()} attachments.");

//send email
def subject = "${EVENT.payload.project.projectName} failed in ${EVENT.payload.environment.environmentName}";
def message = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(JsonOutput.toJson(EVENT.payload));
def recipients = [""];

EMAIL.sendEmail(subject, message, recipients, attachments);

LOG.setMessage("Sent email message to ${recipients}");
titleEmail Failed Logs Filter
Code Block
return EVENT.payload.executionStatus == 'FAILURE';

Create Teams Approval Tasks


This sample sends an interactive message to a Microsoft Teams channel that allows members of the channel to approve or reject an associated FlexDeploy task. As shown in this script, you can add conditions to handle sending to multiple different channels in one listener depending on some condition. (e.g. environment, pipeline, release, etc.) You could also apply similar logic to the webhook listener filter to customize when and where the Teams message should be sent.

See the incoming samples also. An incoming webhook is needed to capture the button clicks that users perform on the Teams messages and ultimately approve/reject the task in FlexDeploy.


titleSend Teams Approval Message Listener
Code Block
// Function Script - Create Approvable Tasks in Teams Channels (Outgoing Webhook) - Available in
String message = MICROSOFTTEAMS.makeTaskCreatedMessageForWebhook(EVENT.payload,"https://<urlToYourFlexDeployServerOrExternalProxy>/flexdeploy/webhooks/v1/<uri setup in Incoming Webhook>");

String webhookUrlBI = "";
String webhookUrlMule = "";
String webhookUrlSF = "";

if(condition for BI Approval){
} else if(condition for Mule Approval){
} else if(condition for SF Approval){

Execute Utility Project


This sample executes a specific FlexDeploy Utility Project called “RunSonar”. In the script below, we are executing the “RunSonar” project whenever a Build workflow with the specified projectId completes successfully. As an extension of the executeUtility function, we can pass ExecuteOptions which allows you to configure which instances the utility project will run on and also the ability to pass inputs and flexfields values to the utility workflow. If no ExecuteOptions are passed as parameters, then the utility will execute on all instances associated in the project configuration.

This function is listening to the ‘Workflow Completed’ Event.


titleExample Groovy Code
Code Block
//Carry out any custom action you wish for this event. Check out the documentation for reference or ideas.
//Optionally filter out events you dont want to execute by returning false on the filter script tab.
def listenerName = "myListener";"Running listener: ${listenerName}");

def projectId = EVENT.payload.project.projectId;
def projectName = EVENT.payload.project.projectName;
def workflowType = EVENT.payload.workflow.workflowType;
def executionStatus = EVENT.payload.executionStatus;

if (projectId == 516098 && workflowType == "BUILD" && executionStatus == "SUCCESS") {"Executing Utility Project : ${listenerName}");
  def sonarScanProjectId = FLEXDEPLOY.findProjectId("RunSonar");
  def environmentCode = "DEV";
  def workflowRequestId = FLEXDEPLOY.executeUtility(sonarScanProjectId, environmentCode);
  if (workflowRequestId) {"Run Sonar Utility was successfully executed");
  else {
    LOG.severe("Run Sonar Utility failed");

Update Package to Completed After Production Deployment

You may want to change a package’s status to completed to indicate it successfully deployed to its final environment. This webhook handles changing the status for you using the Workflow Completed Event. You could update the filter to only update the status for certain projects, releases, instances, etc. The listener also handles removing the package from its release first, as a package cannot be marked completed if it’s in an active release.

titleWebhook Listener
Code Block
​def releaseName = EVENT.payload.release.releaseName
def projectId = EVENT.payload.project.projectId
def packageName = EVENT.payload.packageName

if (releaseName != null)
  FLEXDEPLOY.removeProjectsFromRelease(releaseName, [new, packageName, false)])

FLEXDEPLOY.updatePackageStatus(projectId, packageName, "COMPLETED")
titleWebhook Filter
Code Block
return "SUCCESS".equals(EVENT.payload.executionStatus) && "PRODUCTION".equals(EVENT.payload.environment.environmentCode) && EVENT.payload.packageName != null