Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Exports File Package(s) and from an Oracle SaaS FSM server to the file system. This operation can be used from a utility workflow, which can also be augmented to sync the files to a source control management system (such as Git or Subversion). This allows the Oracle SaaS FSM project which is used for build and deployment to source from a source code repository rather than directly from a development SaaS instance.



  • The AttributeName is set to LookupType

  • The AttributeValue is set to the LookupType of the Lookup that you wish to download.


Property Name

Property Code



Oracle SaaS FSM Account



Oracle SaaS FSM Account cloud account will be required on either the plugin input or Target. If a value is set on both then, the plugin input will take precedence.

You can manage the Oracle SaaS cloud account via the Integrations > Cloud page.

See Special Considerations below for instructions on how to create Oracle SaaS FSM account Configuring Oracle SaaS Cloud Account for additional details.


Input Name

Input Code



Oracle SaaS FSM Account



Oracle SaaS FSM Account will be required on either the plugin input or Target. If a value is set on both then, the plugin input will take precedence.

See Special Considerations below for instructions on how to create Oracle SaaS FSM account.

API Timeout



Maximum amount of time (seconds) to wait for export process to complete after it is started. Defaults to 900 seconds (15 minutes).

Download Folder



Absolute or relative target folder path. Relative path will be assumed in FD_TEMP_DIR.

Stop on Error



Stop exporting CSV File Package, if any error occurs. If false or not specified, exporting of other CSV File Packages will continue. 

JSON File Path



A list of tasks for export expressed as a JSON object. The JSON must contain a json array called “tasks”. See special considerations for details.

The value can directly be a JSON array or an absolute/relative path to a JSON file. If the first line begins with '@' then it assumed to be path to a file and try to load that. For example, @DEV_CSV_File_Packages.conf.

Relative paths will be assumed in FD_TEMP_DIR.

The JSON file can either be

  1. Extract JSON File from SCM

  2. Use absolute path to location on server. (Not recommended as it requires manual setup on server)

See special considerations for more information about format and contents of JSON File Path.

Extract CSV File Package



Optionally expand (unzip) the exported zip file. Default to true.

This is useful for developers or reviewers to view the content of the CSV file package (zip) in a SCM without needing to unarchive the file first.


This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Special Considerations

Oracle SaaS FSM Account*

Before using this plugin operation, navigate to Topology → Integrations → Cloud, then create an account with provider OracleFSM for each one of your SaaS environments. This account will store the URL and credentials to make HTTPS requests to your SaaS environment. The account will be reusable by all Oracle SaaS FSM Plugin operations. All fields shown are required.


JSON File Path

csvDownloadAdvanced is expecting a file containing a json object with an array of data, which we call tasks. Recommendation is to name this file something along the lines of "FSMSetupTasks-Development" and give it an extension of .json. The "Development" postfix on the file name is to denote that these tasks will get exported from your Development Oracle SaaS FSM environment. Typically user will maintain one json file containing the below content because syncing to SCM process happens against one SaaS environment (Development in this case).

ExportCriteria and FilterCriteria are supported in the json file. This will allow for multiple export or filter criteria to be configured.




JSON File Path

csvDownloadAdvanced is expecting a file containing a json object with an array of data, which we call tasks. Recommendation is to name this file something along the lines of "FSMSetupTasks-Development" and give it an extension of .json. The "Development" postfix on the file name is to denote that these tasks will get exported from your Development Oracle SaaS FSM environment. Typically user will maintain one json file containing the below content because syncing to SCM process happens against one SaaS environment (Development in this case).

ExportCriteria and FilterCriteria are supported in the json file. This will allow for multiple export or filter criteria to be configured.

Code Block
      "TaskCode" : "XLE_MANAGE_LEGAL_ENTITY",
	  "ExportCriteria": [
          "BusinessObjectCode" : "XLE_ENTITY_PROFILE",
          "TaskCodeAttributeName" : "XLE_MANAGE_LEGAL_ENTITYLegalEntityIdentifier",
	  "ExportCriteria": [         {
          "BusinessObjectCode"AttributeValue" : "XLELE_ENTITYAU_PROFILE01",
 "AttributeName" : "LegalEntityIdentifier",   ]
       "AttributeValue" : "LE_AU_01",
      "TaskCode" : "PAY_MANAGE_FAST_FORMULA",
      "FilterCriteria": [
          "BusinessObjectCode" : "FF_FORMULA",
          "Operator" : "Equals",
          "AttributeName" : "FormulaName",
          "AttributeValue" : "MANAGER RANGE OF SCHEDULED HOURS",

Referencing the above list of "tasks" one by one:

  1. Downloads the Manage Legal Entity task where XLE_ENTITY_PROFILE column LegalEntityIdentifer is equal to LE_AU_01.

    • File path where this file to be downloaded is /SetupTasks/XLE_MANAGE_LEGAL_ENTITY/

  2. Downloads the Fast Formulas task where FF_FORMULA column FormulaName is equal to MANAGER RANGE OF SCHEDULED HOURS.

    • File path where this file to be downloaded is /SetupTasks/PAY_MANAGE_FAST_FORMULA/

The JSON objects within the "tasks" array can contain these 7 keys. 












Code of the Setup Task.






Code of the business object whose attribute is used as the scope. Leave value empty to export entire Setup Task.

*Required to apply scope to Setup Task object type.






Name of the attribute of the business object used as the scope. Leave value empty to export entire Setup Task.

*Required to apply scope to Setup Task object type.






Value of the named attribute that defines the filter criteria. Provide multiple values using ## I.E. VALUE1##VALUE2. Leave value empty to export entire Setup Task.

If you provide more than one value using ## separator, individual file for each value is downloaded.

*Required to apply scope to Setup Task object type. Otherwise, all supported non-Setup Task object type (I.E. Value Set, Lookups, or Flexfields), only Attribute Value and TaskCode are required. BusinessObjectCode and AttributeName can be left empty. See JSON object 5 example in FSMSetupTasks-Development.json






	  "ExportCriteria": [
          "AttributeName" : "LookupType",
          "AttributeValue" : "ORA_PER_UNION_CODE",
      "TaskCode" : "FND_MANAGE_VALUE_SETS",
	  "ExportCriteria": [
          "AttributeName" : "ValueSetCode",
          "AttributeValue" : "AHC_CUST_CATEGORY",

Referencing the above list of "tasks" one by one:

  1. Downloads the Manage Legal Entity task where XLE_ENTITY_PROFILE column LegalEntityIdentifer is equal to LE_AU_01.

    • File path where this file to be downloaded is /SetupTasks/XLE_MANAGE_LEGAL_ENTITY/

  2. Downloads the Fast Formulas task where FF_FORMULA column FormulaName is equal to MANAGER RANGE OF SCHEDULED HOURS.

    • File path where this file to be downloaded is /SetupTasks/PAY_MANAGE_FAST_FORMULA/

  3. Downloads the LookupType ORA_PER_UNION_CODE in JSON format.

  4. Downloads the ValueSet AHC_CUST_CATEGORY is JSON format.

The JSON objects within the "tasks" array can contain these 7 keys. 

List of criteria object applied post export for additional filtering. This is configured in the same fashion as the filter criteria configured on a packaged-based FSM project, see for more details.

Each filter criteria object requires the following key-value pairs:






Code of the Setup Task.



Code of the business object whose attribute is used as the scope. Leave value empty to export entire Setup Task.

*Required to apply scope to Setup Task object type, except for in the case of JSON ValueSet and Lookup downloads. In that case, it can be omitted.



Name of the attribute of the business object used as the scope. Leave value empty to export entire Setup Task.

*Required to apply scope to Setup Task object type.



Value of the named attribute that defines the filter criteria. Provide multiple values using ## I.E. VALUE1##VALUE2. Leave value empty to export entire Setup Task.

If you provide more than one value using ## separator, individual file for each value is downloaded.

*Required to apply scope to Setup Task object type. Otherwise, all supported non-Setup Task object type (I.E. Value Set, Lookups, or Flexfields), only Attribute Value and TaskCode are required. BusinessObjectCode and AttributeName can be left empty. See JSON object 5 example in FSMSetupTasks-Development.json



List of criteria objects applied at export time. This is configured in the same fashion as the export criteria on a packaged-based FSM project, see for more details.

Each export criteria object requires the following key-value pairs:

  • BusinessObjectCode, except for in the case of JSON ValueSet and Lookup downloads. In that case, it can be omitted.

  • AttributeName

  • AttributeValue

If any of the keys or values are missing csvDownloadAdvanced will throw a validation error.



List of criteria object applied post export for additional filtering. This is configured in the same fashion as the filter criteria configured on a packaged-based FSM project, see for more details.

Each filter criteria object requires the following key-value pairs:

FD8010556413502Task#Export for more details.

Each export criteria object requires the following key-value pairs:

  • BusinessObjectCode

  • AttributeName

  • AttributeValue

If any of the keys or values are missing csvDownloadAdvanced will throw a validation error.



Another JSON format shown below will only allow for one export criteria to be configured. We suggest using the keys ExportCriteria and FilterCriteria instead. However, keep in mind using this format will add an additional part in the path. More on this later. If both formats exists, then the format explained above will take precedence.




  • AttributeName

  • AttributeValue

Another JSON format shown below will only allow for one export criteria to be configured. We suggest using the keys ExportCriteria and FilterCriteria instead. However, keep in mind using this format will add an additional part in the path. More on this later. If both formats exists, then the format explained above will take precedence.

Code Block
  "tasks" :
      "TaskCode" : "PAY_MANAGE_FAST_FORMULA",
      "BusinessObjectCode" : "",
      "AttributeName" : "",
      "AttributeValue" : ""
      "TaskCode" : "PAY_MANAGE_FAST_FORMULA",
      "BusinessObjectCode" : "FF_FORMULA",
      "AttributeName" : "FormulaName1",
      "AttributeValue" : "EXT_ASSIGNMENTS_RECORD300000189455050_300000189455050"
      "TaskCode" : "PAY_MANAGE_FAST_FORMULA",
      "BusinessObjectCode" : "FF_FORMULA",
      "AttributeName" : "BaseFormulaName",
      "AttributeValue" : "EXT_BENEFITS_RECORD300000189455103_300000189455103##EXT_PERFORMANCES_RECORD300000189455100_300000189455100"
      "BusinessObjectCode" : "FFFUN_BUSINESS_FORMULAUNIT",
      "AttributeName" : "FormulaName1Name",
      "AttributeValue" : "EXT_ASSIGNMENTS_RECORD300000189455050_300000189455050AU Council Business Unit"
      "BusinessObjectCode" : "FF_FORMULA",
      "AttributeName" : "BaseFormulaName",
      "AttributeValue" : "EXT_BENEFITS_RECORD300000189455103_300000189455103##EXT_PERFORMANCES_RECORD300000189455100_300000189455100"
FlexDeploy Value Set Accounts##FlexDeploy Value Set Currencies"
   { },
     "TaskCode" : "FUN_MANAGE_BUSINESS_UNIT", {
      "AttributeName" : "NameLookupType",
      "AttributeValue" : "AU Council Business UnitORA_PER_UNION_CODE"
      "BusinessObjectCodeTaskCode" : "FND_MANAGE_VALUE_SETS",
      "AttributeName" : "ValueSetCode",
      "AttributeValue" : "FlexDeploy Value Set Accounts##FlexDeploy Value Set CurrenciesAHC_CUST_CATEGORY"

Referencing the above list of "tasks" one by one:

  1. Downloads the entire Fast Formula task

    • Notice only TaskCode is set

  2. Downloads the Fast Formula task scoped by Formula Name of EXT_ASSIGNMENTS_RECORD300000189455050_300000189455050

    • Notice all values are set and AttributeValue has only single value

  3. Downloads the Fast Formula task scoped twice. Once scoped by base formula name of EXT_BENEFITS_RECORD300000189455103_300000189455103 and a second time scoped by base formula name of EXT_PERFORMANCES_RECORD300000189455100_300000189455100

    • When 2 more values are set (delimited by ##), then an individual CSV File package is downloaded for each value with respective scope applied.

  4. Downloads the Manage Business Unit task scoped by Name of AU Council Business Unit

  5. Downloads the Manage Chart of Accounts Value Set task twice. Once filtered by value set code of FlexDeploy Value Set Accounts and a second time filtered by value set code of FlexDeploy Value Set Currencies.

  6. Downloads Lookup ORA_PER_UNION_CODE using the JSON format.

  7. Downloads ValueSet AHC_CUST_CATEGORY using the JSON format.

Download Folder Structure
