Checklist | Description |
AWS Access Key | AWS Access Key ID of IAM userAccess |
AWS Secret Key | Password for the Access Key of the IAM user |
AWS CLI installation | AWS CLI needs to be installed on the Target m/c where the plugin operation shall run |
AWS CLI in class path | AWS CLI should be added to the classpath in target m/c. Else the path can also be set under FlexDeploy environment level property |
AWS PowerShell | AWS PowerShell needs to be installed on Windows OS and path should be added to the classpath in target m/c. Please refer to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/powershell/latest/userguide/pstools-getting-set-up-windows.html |
Configure cloud account
First, AWSaccount needs to be configured under Topology. FlexDeploy will connect to the AWS cloud and execute the script
Navigate to the Integrations from the left-hand pane
Navigate to the Cloud tab under Topology
Navigate Create a new Cloud account of provider type “AzureAWS” with the “+” button.
It should have a Client ID, Client Key, Tenant Id, and Subscription Id configured in itAWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key.
AWS Access Key is a password field and hence needs to be kept hidden. To update the same click on the pencil icon as shown below
next update the AWS Access Key value under Secret Text. This is to make sure no one else can retrieve the password
The below step will copy the script file.
Step-iiIiii : execute the script file
Code Snippet field is mandatory, we can select the type of CLI from the drop-down. Available options are shell, PowerShell, and WindowsShell. The default CLI type is the shell.
Project configuration
Navigate to the Project tab and create a Project with a logical name(AWS-Command in this case)
To configure Project specific settings one can navigate to the Project Configuration tab as shown above.
Next, select the PROPERTIES option from the left-hand pane.
Select the target Azure AWS Cloud Account.
Target Properties
For detailed steps on how to initiate Build and push docker image please refer to https://flexagon.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FD65/pages/edit-v2/10197762066?draftShareId Build execution through FlexDeploy for Azure Plugin
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Push Image on Amazon Private container registry tutorial.
Now that you have configured FlexDeploy to push image to AWS private container registryexecute the script, it is extremely easy to replicate the same for other container registry cloud provider as well. Simply use the Copy Project feature and a new project will be created with all of the configuration completed already. You just need to make the necessary configuration changes.