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Lets first understand Redirect URI: This is the URI where Azure will redirect(basically FlexDeploy Server) after successfully authorizing the Azure application.
As part of Azure Application(Service Principal) setup in previous step, we have configured the Redirect URI as
The Redirect URL generated by FlexDeploy server using the Server Base URL is
This must match the Redirect URL that was configured in the Azure Redirect URL. Else will get below error.
You can’t have an http url configured in Azure Application Redirect URI. Restriction at Azure end as shown below. This is why you need to enable SSL(HTTPS) in FlexDeploy Server.
Few important notes
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it’s the industry standard protocol for email sending. A sender will use an SMTP server to carry out the process of transmitting an email message.
IMAP (Internet Access Message Protocol) is an email protocol that deals with managing and retrieving email messages from the receiving server.
Since IMAP deals with message retrieval, you will not be able to use the IMAP protocol to send email. Instead, IMAP will be used for receiving messages.
StartTLS is a protocol command used to inform the email server that the email client wants to upgrade from an insecure connection to a secure one using TLS or SSL. StartTLS is used with SMTP and IMAP.
Configure FlexDeploy Email Setting properties