FlexDeploy download zip contains plugin jar files (application/plugins for Tomcat download and plugins for Weblogic download). You just need to 1) copy plugins plugin jars from download zip to plugins folder in your installation (details explained below), and 2) all files plugins will be automatically uploaded and 3) activated on the server startup.
This auto upload process is very useful during initial install as well as when upgrading FlexDeploy, but you can use the procedure any time.
Plugin files to copy are in /application/plugins in the downloaded Tomcat Complete zip fie.
Let's determine where to copy files in your installation now. Locate flexagon.fd.install.root folder for your FlexDeploy installation, which is FlexDeploy working directory. This is specified on the Java command line. For example, -Dflexagon.fd.install.root=
You can look for this information in
setenvoverride.bat or
setenvoverride.sh file depending whether using Windows or Unix.
Create plugins folder
if it does not exist under
flexagon.fd.install.root folder.
Copy files from download zip
(#1 above) to this plugins folder.