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Deploy an application to a WebSphere server. This operation will attempt to do the following:

  1. Find a single EAR, WAR, SAR, or JAR file in the Artifact Directory.
  2. Copy the archive to a temporary location, so that the original archive file is never used.
  3. Determine the scope of the deployment (server or cluster) and look up additional information about the server.
  4. Deploy the archive from the temporary location to the server using the name provided by the App Name Project Property.
  5. Delete the temporary copy of the archive to save disk space.


NOTE: There should only be one file in the Artifact Directory when the plugin executes. The plugin execution will fail if more than one file is found.


Property Name

Property Code



WAS WebSphere Install Root



The base installation directory for the WebSphere Application Server.

For example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer

WSAdmin User



The user to connect to wsadmin WSAdmin as

WSAdmin Password


NThe password for WSAdmin UserUser 
WebSphere App Install Root


NA directory where deployed artifacts are stored. Default is FDWAS_WAS_INSTALL_ROOT/InstalledApps. 

For example: /opt/WebSphere/DeployedApplications

Project Properties


Property Name

Property Code



WebSphere App Name



The name of the application being deployed

Cell Name


The name of the cell where the WebSphere Application will run. Server or Cluster Name



A cluster or server name where the WebSphere Application will run.

A server name may or may not be node qualified, however if the node name is not provided, the server name must be unique within the cell to allow the plugin to look up the node.


This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.


Endpoint Selection

This operation will select all available delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the environment instance. Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the environment /instanceinstance which have that resource defined.  Deployment Manager installations should set this to WAS Deployment Manager resource type, along with selecting the WAS Deployment Manager as the resource on the Deployment Manager endpoint.


Endpoint Execution

This operation will execute on any endpoint selected.