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There are various images available for FlexDeploy. Choose option based on your specific need. Documentation is available on Docker Hub for each image, and this document will explain it at high level.

flexdeploy/fd_tcat_50 (tick)FlexDeploy 5.0.0, you need to provide database connection details and working folder location. See Setup Steps.
flexdeploy/fd_tcat_xe_50FlexDeploy 5.0.0 install with Oracle XE database. For POC and demo purposes only. See Setup Steps.
flexdeploy/ebs-tutorialFlexDeploy 5.0.0 install with Oracle XE database for EBS Tutorial. For POC and demo purposes only. See Setup Steps.
flexdeploy/soa-tutorialFlexDeploy 5.0.0 install with Oracle XE database for SOA Tutorial. For POC and demo purposes only. See Setup Steps.
flexdeploy/adf-tutorialFlexDeploy 5.0.0 install with Oracle XE database for ADF Tutorial. For POC and demo purposes only. See Setup Steps.
flexdeploy/java-tomcat-tutorialFlexDeploy 5.0.0 install with Oracle XE database for Tomcat Tutorial. For POC and demo purposes only. See Setup Steps.
flexdeploy/weblogic-resource-tutorialFlexDeploy 5.0.0 install with Oracle XE database for WebLogic Tutorial. For POC and demo purposes only. See Setup Steps.

(tick) - production ready


Start command session to Docker host and make sure you can run docker commands. If necessary sudo to root or other user.

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Here are main steps for this type of docker image.

  1. Setup docker volume folder and copy plugins in it from download zip.
  2. Setup FlexDeploy Database
  3. Pull docker image
  4. Start container using specific image.

Step 1 - Setup Docker Volume Folder on Docker Host

This particular image only contains FlexDeploy with Tomcat, i.e. data and artifact repository is not part of the container. Hence we need to setup Database and various Folders first.

In this step, we will setup application and repository folder, then copy plugins from download zip in to necessary folder.

Code Block
# adjust folder location as necessary for your Docker Host
mkdir -p /scratch/DockerVolume/flexdeploy
chmod -R 777 /scratch/DockerVolume
cd /scratch/DockerVolume
mkdir application
mkdir repository
cd application
mkdir plugins
cp ~/Tomcat_Complete-*.jar .
# ready with docker volume now

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Step 2 - Setup FlexDeploy Database

Setup database as described in Installation Instructions - Database Tier.

Step 3 - Pull Docker Image

First let's pull docker image flexdeploy/fd_tcat_50. Adjust image version as necessary.

Code Block
docker pull flexdeploy/fd_tcat_50:

Step 4 - Run Docker Container

Now let's run FlexDeploy docker image. Adjust image version as necessary.

This particular image contains only FlexDeploy with Tomcat, i.e. data and artifact repository is not part of the container. So we need to pass various details to docker run command.

Run command example below uses port number 8004 for access to FlexDeploy application, which maps to 8080 port inside docker container. Oracle database is referenced using FLEX_DB_URL environment variable and FD_ADMIN_PWD is password for fd_admin user on your database (setup done in Step 2). Adjust Port Numbers, URL, Password, Docker Volume Folder, Timezone as appropriate for your docker host.

Code Block
docker run --name flexdeploy50 -p 8004:8080 -e FLEX_DB_URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" -e FD_ADMIN_PWD="welcome1" -e TZ="America/Chicago" -v /scratch/DockerVolume/flexdeploy:/home/oracle flexdeploy/fd_tcat_50:

Now you can look at logs and other details in docker volume folder. For example,

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If necessary, make sure to open port 8000 for access from outside docker host.

Now you can launch FlexDeploy using http://<docker host>:8004/flexdeploy.

As always when you first launch FlexDeploy, you will need to complete Registration process.

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Once you complete registration, you are ready to use FlexDeploy.


Start command session to Docker host and make sure you can run docker commands. If necessary sudo to root or other user.


Run command example below uses port number 8000 for access to FlexDeploy application, which maps to 8080 port inside docker container. Oracle XE is included as part of this image and it's port 1521 is also accessible on docker host. Adjust port numbers, Timezone as appropriate for your docker host.

Code Block
docker run --name flexdeploy50_xe -p 1521:1521 -p 8000:8080 --shm-size=2gb -e TZ="America/Chicago" flexdeploy/fd_tcat_xe_50:
