Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Implementation 
  • Metadata describing its operations, properties, and other behavior
  • Setup scripts (optional) to initialize the environment prior to execution
  • Required 5.1.0 FlexDeploy libraries for Java implementation (download here)

See detailed instructions below.

Table of Contents-zone

Table of Contents

Development Approach

  • Decide on implementation type - Java or Docker, depending on your expertise.
  • Define plugin.xml and properties.xml files. This should help you describe operations that will be developed and project or environment/instance level properties used by each operation. You can also define plugin operation inputs as appropriate. At times, you can just use inputs without properties if it makes sense.
  • Developer plugin implementation.
  • Unit test plugin opeations.
  • Package and verify on FlexDeploy server.

Plugin Implementation

Java Plugin


To do that, cd to the folder that contains the files, and execute the following command: jar cvfM0 pluginname<PluginName>-<pluginversion><PluginVersion>.jar *

This will make "plugin<PluginName>-<PluginVersion>.jar" which will contain the files and folders around it.


Code Block
titlePlugin JAR Structure
<Plugin Name><PluginName>-<PluginVersion>.jar
          <properties file name>.xml  (Plugin XML Properties Definition)
           adflibFlexFndCommonCore.jar (FlexDeploy library)
           adflibFlexDeployCore.jar   (FlexDeploy library)
           commons-io-2.4.jar   (Apache Commons IO library)
           <your plugin>.jar   (your plugin classes packaged into a JAR - containing full package structure)
           setup.bat   (optional)
     plugin.xml   (Plugin XML Metatdata)
