Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Step Name

The name of the step.


An optional description for the step.

Pipeline RolesSelects one or more roles from the pipeline definition to notify in case of error.  Default role members are defined on the pipeline, and optional overridden for each release.
SubjectThe subject line for the email notification.  Optionally, use a Groovy expression to make this field dynamic based on some contextual value (e.g. a property defined on the pipeline, and specified on the release).

The body for the email notification.  Optionally, use a Groovy expression to make this field dynamic based on some contextual value (e.g. a property defined on the pipeline, and specified on the release).

Following methods were added as part of

Code Block
titleBody to contain details on individual Project deployment status
"<br/>" + 
"<b>Deployed Projects</b> : " + FD_Release.getSnapshotDeployedProjectsAsString() + "<br/>" + 
"<b>Failed Projects</b> : " + FD_Release.getSnapshotFailedProjectsAsString() + "<br/>" + 
"<b>Skipped Projects</b> : " + FD_Release.getSnapshotSkippedProjectsAsString() + "<br/>" + 
"<b>Not Attempted Projects</b> : " + FD_Release.getSnapshotNotAttemptedProjectsAsString()


An optional Groovy script which determines whether the gate or step is applicable during execution.  The script has access to variables and methods listed in the expression  drop-down.  The script must return true if the gate/step is applicable, or false otherwise.  If no script is provided, the default is to return true (applicable).

See below for Script Variables.

ContinueIf checked, any failure will be ignored, and the pipeline execution will continue.
Notify Pipeline RoleSelects one or more roles from the pipeline definition to notify in case of error.  Default role members are defined on the pipeline, and optional overridden for each release.

Script Variables

Include Page
Pipeline Groovy Variables and Methods
Pipeline Groovy Variables and Methods