Versions Compared


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Code Block
//Carry out any custom action you wish for this event. Check out the snippets for reference or ideas.
def listenerName = "TaskCreated";"Running listener: ${listenerName}");

def channel = 'testing';

//Slack account code defined in TopologyConfiguration->Integration->Messaging
def account = 'SLACK';

//Create and post a FlexDeploy Slack Message object with interactive buttons to approve/reject
def message = SLACK.makeTaskCreatedMessage(EVENT.payload,true);
def tsId = SLACK.postMessage(account,channel,message);

LOG.setMessage("Posted task ${EVENT.payload.taskId} to Slack");


In the below example we make use of the ChangeManagementSystemService to allow us to create an incident through FlexDeploy’s internal ServiceNow integration. The only thing that needs to be configured ahead of time is your ServiceNow instance in TopologyConfiguration->Integrations->ChangeManagement>Change Management


Create Incident Script

Code Block
//Carry out any custom action you wish for this event. Check out the documentation for reference or ideas.
//Optionally filter out events you dont want to execute by returning false on the filter script tab.
def listenerName = "Create Incident";"Running listener: ${listenerName}");

def cmsFields = [:];
cmsFields.short_description = "Deployment failed for ${EVENT.payload.project.projectName}";
cmsFields.description = "Deployment failed for ${EVENT.payload.project.projectName}. Environment ${EVENT.payload.environment.environmentName} executionid ${EVENT.payload.workflowExecutionId} requestor ${EVENT.payload.updatedBy}";
LOG.fine("Creating Service Now Incident ${cmsFields}");

def cmsObject = FLEXDEPLOY.createIncidentForWorklowRequest(EVENT.payload.workflowRequest.workflowRequestId, cmsFields, "SERVICENOW",null);
LOG.setMessage("Successfully created Service Now Incident ${cmsObject.getNumber()}");
