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A groovy script can be used in custom gates and steps, as well as for many configuration values on specific steps or gates. Additionally, a gate or step can be skipped by providing a Precondition groovy script. This page includes some sample scripts for these scenarios. See Pipeline Groovy Variables and Methods for a full listing of the accessible variables and methods in these groovy scripts.

Table of Contents

Custom Gates and Steps

Override Deploy Instance on All Projects with Plugin Suffix in Name


Code Block
titleOverride deploy instance on all projects with Plugin suffix in name
for(snapshotProject in snapshotProjects)
        stgexecinfo.setInstanceOverride(snapshotProject.getProjectId(), "WEBLOGIC")

Custom Steps

Override Deploy Instance Based on Project Type


Code Block
def projects = stgexec.getSnapshotProjects();

for (def project in projects)
	if (project.getProjectType() != null)
    	if ('EBS'.equals(project.getProjectType()))
        	stgexecinfo.setInstanceOverride(project.getProjectId(), project.getPackageName(), 'EBS');

Validate Snapshot Contents

A pipeline can prevent deployments of any unexpected projects in the snapshot with a script similar to the following. This would best be implemented as a custom gate in the first stage of the pipeline.

Code Block
expectedProjects = "HRWLSConfigurations,HRMDSObjects,HRSOAService,HRJavaApp,ValidatePaymentSB".split(",");

for (p in stgexec.getSnapshotProjects())
  if (!expectedProjects.contains(p.getProjectName()))
    return "FAILED";

return "SUCCESSFUL";

Precondition Scripts

Execute Step Only for Specific Object Type

This could be used to conditionally call a Restart OACore or Generate Jar utility workflow only if OAF_JAVA files are deployed.

Code Block
def deployedTypes = stgexec.getProjectWorkflowOutputValues("DeployedTypes");

for (String listItem : deployedTypes)
  if (listItem.contains('OAF_JAVA'))
    return true;

return false;

Execute Gate only if Snapshot Projects contain a specific Project Group

This is useful when you could want technology/team specific approvals which would only make sense to do when that particular Project Group/Technology is included in the snapshot.

Code Block
def projectGroup = "Oracle Integrations"
return stgexec.getSnapshotProjects().findIndexOf { 
  projectGroup in it.getProjectGroupNames() 
} != -1