Versions Compared


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Click the Manage Providers button and then the Create Provider button to create a new Provider.

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To start with I am simply going to return true here to allow any message through (we will update this later on but right now we just want the message to get through).  Click Save.


Now that we have our Provider, navigate Back to the Webhook Functions screen. You should now see your GitHub Provider set up top. Click Create Function to create a Function for the GitHub Provider.

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Similar to the Provider Script, we will circle back here and flesh this out, but for now we just simply log that we ran the function and finish. Notice the Full Resource Path that is displayed. This is the resource path we will ultimately give to GitHub to call our Function.  Make the updates as I have done here and click Save.

Creating a public endpoint (Optional)

GitHub is a publicly available service and our if your FlexDeploy installation is local and only known to us, so not accessible from internet, then we need an endpoint that GitHub can use to send us information. We are going to use what is known as a reverse proxy, in this case Ngrok.


If you are running this command on the FlexDeploy server you can omit the server and just specify the port. In this case that is exactly what we are doing:

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Copy your new public endpoint (http or https works for GitHub). Lastly we need to append the Full Resource Path from our Function.  Our full url looks like the following:


Now that we have our endpoint we just need to setup a webhook in GitHub with this endpoint.

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Trying it out

With the GitHub webhook enabled all we need to do is push a change to the repository. After pushing a change, navigate to Webhook Messages to ensure we received the event.

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Building the Project


Now that we have communication between GitHub and FlexDeploy we can enhance our scripts to make sure it does what we expect. Edit your BuildProject Function by clicking on the name.

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Update the Function script to the following:


First we need to Enable Webhooks for the Project.

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Testing it out



You also have the option to resubmit messages from the Webhook Messages UI. Since we added the query parameter, resubmitting the original message would not work in this case.

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Drill into the execution and check out the change logs to see the changes from your push.

Finishing the GitHub Provider

Updating the Match Script

We left our GitHub Provider script simply returning true. Its time to finish the script so it correctly matches GitHub messages. Navigate back to your GitHub Provider and update the script to the following:

Code Block
titleGitHub Provider
// perform checks and functions to ensure an incoming message is valid and matches this provider
LOG.fine("Evaluating GitHub for incoming message");
def match = false;
// validating based on GitHub secret
if (HTTP_HEADERS['user-agent'] && HTTP_HEADERS['user-agent'].toLowerCase().contains('github-hookshot'))
    //generate hmac string, be sure to replace with your github secret
    def HMAC_RESULT = HMAC.generateHmacSHA1(FLX_PRISTINE_PAYLOAD, 'abc123');
    def RECEIVED_HMAC = HTTP_HEADERS['x-hub-signature'];
LOG.fine("GitHub provider is a match: ${match}");
return match;

Setting the GitHub Secret

We are going to make use of GitHub's Secret which makes use of Hmac encryptions. As you can see from the script above I used secret 'abc123', but you can use whatever you wish. 


Providers also can also have secured properties associated with them. Normally this would be used instead of putting the secret in plain text in our script as seen here.

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Final Validation

Lastly lets push one more time and validate everything is still working.

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Be sure to turn off your ngrok tunnel when you are done!