To view the list of testing types defined within FlexDeploy, select Administration -> Test Automation Integrations -> Testing Tools from the menu.
Creating/Editing Testing Tools
To create a testing tool click the Create button. To edit a testing tool, select an existing testing tool and click the Edit button.
Enter values for the following fields:
Field Name | Required | Description |
Id | N/A | System generated identifier (read-only). |
Name | Yes | Name for the testing tool. Name can not be updated once tool is created. |
It is also possible to define a set of properties for the testing tool. Values of the testing tool properties are going to be set up at the testing instance. This is useful for testing tools like OATS or Load Runner when there is a dedicated instance of the testing tool working on a separate server.
Click the Save button to save the changes to the testing tool and return to the list of FlexDeploy testing tools.