Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





The event type that triggered this Event. e.g. Workflow Completed, Task Created.


The actor, generally a user, that triggered this event.


The object the event occurred on. This could be the Project name, Release name etc.


The time the event occurred.


The specific event payload (see examples below)



Branch Activated

The Comment Added branch activated event is triggered anytime there is a comment created throughout FlexDeploy. As and example use case, you could use this event to create a Jira Ticket anytime a comment was created and contained the words “Jira”whenever a branch which was previously inactive is activated in a project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "CommentBranch AddedActivated",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "Comment - 1913813420",
  "timestamp": "20232024-1002-1815 0509:4510:4453 -05000600",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "20232022-1005-1827 0513:4549:4454 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "20232024-1002-1815 0509:4510:4452 -05000600",
    "commentIdproject": {
 1913,     "oldCommentTextprojectId": null209602,
      "commentTextprojectName": "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test4\"}]}]}"XXHR"
    "description": null,
    "versionSyntax": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
    "projectBranchId": 813420,
    "objectIdattribute1": 33313null,
    "objectTypemainBranchFlag": "WORK_ITEM"false,
  } }

Comment Updated

The Comment Updated event is triggered anytime a comment is edited throughout FlexDeploy.

Code Block
  "eventTypeattribute3": null,
"Comment Updated",   "actorattribute2": "fdadmin"null,
   "object "branchName": "testBranch",
    "lastDiscoveredOn": null

Branch Created

The branch created event is triggered whenever a branch is created in a project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Branch Created",
  "actor": "Comment - 1913fdadmin",
  "object": "847801",
  "timestamp": "20232024-1002-1815 0509:4511:4405 -05000600",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "20232024-1002-1815 0509:4511:4405 -05000600",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "20232024-1002-1815 0509:4511:4405 -05000600",
    "commentIdproject": {
 1913,     "oldCommentTextprojectId": "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test3\"}]}]}"209602,
      "projectName": "XXHR"
    "description": null,
    "versionSyntax": "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
    "projectBranchId": 847801,
    "attribute1": null,
    "mainBranchFlag": false,
    "commentTextattribute3": null,
    "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test4\"}]}]}",attribute2": null,
    "objectIdbranchName": 33313"new branch",
    "objectTypelastDiscoveredOn": "WORK_ITEM"null


Branch Deleted

The Comment Updated branch deleted event is triggered anytime whenever a comment branch is deleted throughout FlexDeployin a project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "CommentBranch UpdatedDeleted",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "Comment - 1913847301",
  "timestamp": "20232024-1002-1807 0514:4525:4434 -05000600",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "20232024-1002-1807 0514:4522:4411 -05000600",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "20232024-1002-1807 0514:4524:44 -05000600",
    "commentIdproject": 1913,{
      "oldCommentTextprojectId": "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test3\"}]}]}"16801,
      "projectName": "Test Project"
    "commentTextdescription": null,
    "objectIdmainBranchFlag": 33313false,
    "objectTypeversionSyntax": "WORK_ITEM""\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
  } }

Package Created

The Package Created event is triggered anytime a package is created for a project throughout FlexDeploy. This could possibly be used as a event to execute a script to automatically add the package to a release whenever one is created for a specific project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Package Created", "projectBranchId": 847301,
    "actorbranchName": "fdadminbranch2",
  "object": "XXHR-10089",
  "timestampattribute1": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",null,
    "payloadattribute3": {null,
    "createdByattribute2": "fdadmin"null,
    "createdOnlastDiscoveredOn": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",

Branch Inactivated

The branch inactivated event is triggered whenever a branch which was previously active is inactivated in a project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Branch Inactivated",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "813420",
  "updatedOntimestamp": "20232024-1002-1915 1209:5211:1118 -05000600",
    "projectPackageIdpayload": 1144126,{
    "descriptioncreatedBy": "\nfdadmin",
    "excludePath": nullcreatedOn": "2022-05-27 13:49:54 -0500",
    "includePathupdatedBy": null"fdadmin",
    "packageNameupdatedOn": "XXHR-100892024-02-15 09:11:18 -0600",
    "packagePathproject": {
 null,     "packageStatusprojectId": "ACTIVE"209602,
      "packageTypeprojectName": "USER_MANAGED"XXHR"
    "projectIddescription": 195743null,
    "testsversionSyntax": null "\"1.0.\" + SequenceNumber",
    "testLevelprojectBranchId": null813420,
    "versionSyntaxattribute1": null,
    "projectmainBranchFlag": {
    "attribute3": null,
    "projectIdattribute2": 195743null,
      "projectNamebranchName": "XXHRtestBranch",
    }"lastDiscoveredOn": null

Package Status Updated


Comment Added

The Comment Added event is triggered anytime a package’s status is changed (‘Active’, ‘Inactive’, ‘Completed’) for a project there is a comment created throughout FlexDeploy. This could possibly be used as a event to execute a script to automatically remove the package from a release whenever it is inactivated or completed for a specific projectAs an example use case, you could use this event to create a Jira Ticket anytime a comment was created and contained the words “Jira”.

Code Block
  "eventType": "PackageComment Status UpdatedAdded",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "XXHRComment -10089 1913",
  "timestamp": "2023-10-1918 1205:5245:1144 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "2023-10-1918 1205:5245:1144 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "2023-10-1918 1205:5245:1144 -0500",
    "projectPackageIdcommentId": 11441261913,
    "descriptionoldCommentText": "\n"null,
    "excludePathcommentText": null,
    "includePath": null,
    "packageName": "XXHR-10089",
    "packagePath": null,"{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test4\"}]}]}",
    "packageStatusobjectId": "ACTIVE"33313,
    "packageTypeobjectType": "USERWORK_MANAGEDITEM",

Comment Updated

The Comment Updated event is triggered anytime a comment is edited throughout FlexDeploy.

Code Block
  "projectIdeventType": "Comment 195743Updated",
  "testsactor": null"fdadmin",
  "testLevelobject": null,"Comment - 1913",
  "versionSyntaxtimestamp": null,
 "2023-10-18 05:45:44 -0500",
  "projectpayload": {
    "projectIdcreatedBy": 195743,
    "createdOn": "2023-10-18 05:45:44 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "projectNameupdatedOn": "XXHR"2023-10-18 05:45:44 -0500",
     }"commentId": 1913,

Pipeline Stage Completed

The Pipeline Stage Completed event is triggered whenever a stage succeeds or fails in a Release Pipeline Execution. Common use cases can include logic you want to perform after EVERY pipeline execution regardless of the Pipeline or Release being used. For example you may want to create a Service Now incident whenever the Production Stage fails in any pipeline. This could be easily accomplished by listening for this event but filtering for a status of FAILED and environment of PRODUCTION.

Code Block
    "eventType":"Pipeline Stage Completed",
    "object":"REST Release 1",
    "timestamp":"2020-12-16 15:12:41 -0500",
            "startTime":"2020-12-16 15:12:19 -0500",
            "endTime":"2020-12-16 15:12:41 -0500",
        },"oldCommentText": "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test3\"}]}]}",
    "commentText": "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test4\"}]}]}",
    "objectId": 33313,
    "objectType": "WORK_ITEM"

Comment Deleted

The Comment Updated event is triggered anytime a comment is deleted throughout FlexDeploy.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Comment Updated",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "Comment - 1913",
  "timestamp": "2023-10-18 05:45:44 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "2023-10-18 05:45:44 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "2023-10-18 05:45:44 -0500",
    "commentId": 1913,
    "oldCommentText": "{\"type\":\"doc\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"paragraph\",\"content\":[{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"test3\"}]}]}",
    "commentText": null,
    "objectId": 33313,
    "objectType": "WORK_ITEM"

Error Occurred

The error occurred event is triggered anytime an application error occurs within FlexDeploy. These errors are also displayed on the Admin Operations → View Errors page.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Error Occurred",
  "actor": "cipoller",
  "object": "Error - 2334",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-07 03:53:58.751",
  "payload": {
    "fdErrorId": 2334,
    "count": 3,
    "createdOn": 1709805238751,
    "updatedBy": "cipoller",
    "message": "Project SCM polling trigger failed. Caused By: FDML-00001: Failed to clone main branch from Check branch name\nExternal process failed with return code '1'. [git, -c, core.askPass=true, pull, origin, main], fatal: Couldn't find remote ref main\nUnexpected end of command stream",
    "username": "cipoller",
    "versionNumber": 2,
    "code": "FDML-00001",
    "createdBy": "cipoller",
    "updatedOn": 1709805538746,
    "stackTrace": "flexagon.fd.model2.exceptions.FlexDeployAPIException: FDML-00001: Failed to clone main branch from Check branch name\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.ProjectSCMDBAccess.getProjectSCMChangeInfo(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.CreateBuildWorkflowRequestDBAccess.checkForSCMChanges(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.CreateBuildWorkflowRequestDBAccess.processRequest(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.WorkflowRequestDBAccess.createWorkflowRequest(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.WorkflowRequestDBAccess.buildWorkflowRequest(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.api.WorkflowRequestAPI.buildWorkflowRequest(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.api.WorkflowRequestAPI.buildWorkflowRequest(\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$\n\tat\nCaused by: flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException: Failed to clone main branch from Check branch name\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.git.GITSCM2Integration.pollSourceForChanges(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.SCM2Integration.pollForChanges(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model2.jdbc.ProjectSCMDBAccess.getProjectSCMChangeInfo(\n\t... 11 more\nCaused by: flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException: Failed to clone main branch from Check branch name\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.git.FDGITLocalRepository.initializeLocalRepository(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.git.FDGITLocalRepository.initializeIfNecessary(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.git.FDGITLocalRepository.pollSourceForChanges(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.git.GITSCM2Integration.pollSourceForChanges(\n\t... 13 more\nCaused by: flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexExternalProcessFailedException: External process failed with return code '1'. [git, -c, core.askPass=true, pull, origin, main], fatal: Couldn't find remote ref main\nUnexpected end of command stream\n\n\tat flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess.execute(\n\tat flexagon.ffi.scm.git.commands.gitexe.GITExe._executeGit(\n\tat flexagon.ffi.scm.git.commands.gitexe.GITExe.execute(\n\tat flexagon.ffi.scm.git.commands.gitexe.GITExeBaseCommand.execute(\n\tat flexagon.ffi.scm.git.GITService.clone(\n\tat flexagon.ffi.scm.git.GITService.clone(\n\tat flexagon.fd.model.integration.scm.git.FDGITLocalRepository.initializeLocalRepository(\n\t... 16 more\n"

Package Created

The Package Created event is triggered anytime a package is created for a project throughout FlexDeploy. This could possibly be used as a event to execute a script to automatically add the package to a release whenever one is created for a specific project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Package Created",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "XXHR-10089",
  "timestamp": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",
    "projectPackageId": 1144126,
    "description": "\n",
    "excludePath": null,
    "includePath": null,
    "packageName": "XXHR-10089",
    "packagePath": null,
    "packageStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "packageType": "USER_MANAGED",
    "projectId": 195743,
    "tests": null,
    "testLevel": null,
    "versionSyntax": null,
    "project": {
      "projectId": 195743,
      "projectName": "XXHR"

Package Status Updated

The Package Status Updated event is triggered anytime a package’s status is changed (‘Active’, ‘Inactive’, ‘Completed’) for a project throughout FlexDeploy. This could possibly be used as a event to execute a script to automatically remove the package from a release whenever it is inactivated or completed for a specific project.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Package Status Updated",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "XXHR-10089",
  "timestamp": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "2023-10-19 12:52:11 -0500",
    "projectPackageId": 1144126,
    "description": "\n",
    "excludePath": null,
    "includePath": null,
    "packageName": "XXHR-10089",
    "packagePath": null,
    "packageStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "packageType": "USER_MANAGED",
    "projectId": 195743,
    "tests": null,
    "testLevel": null,
    "versionSyntax": null,
    "project": {
      "projectId": 195743,
      "projectName": "XXHR"

Pipeline Stage Completed

The Pipeline Stage Completed event is triggered whenever a stage succeeds or fails in a Release Pipeline Execution. Common use cases can include logic you want to perform after EVERY pipeline execution regardless of the Pipeline or Release being used. For example you may want to create a Service Now incident whenever the Production Stage fails in any pipeline. This could be easily accomplished by listening for this event but filtering for a status of FAILED and environment of PRODUCTION.

Code Block
    "eventType":"Pipeline Stage Completed",
    "object":"REST Release 1",
    "timestamp":"2020-12-16 15:12:41 -0500",
            "startTime":"2020-12-16 15:12:19 -0500",
            "endTime":"2020-12-16 15:12:41 -0500",
            "releaseName":"REST Release 1"
            "snapshotName":"07-16-2020 15:12:18",

Pipeline Version Activated

The pipeline version activated event is triggered whenever a new version is activated in a pipeline.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Pipeline Version Activated",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "56502",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-12 10:18:50 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "2023-04-18 12:36:55 -0500",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "2023-10-09 13:11:03 -0500",
    "pipeline": {
      "pipelineId": 56501,
      "pipelineName": "Sample Pipeline"
    "description": null,
    "pipelineVersionId": 56502,
    "pipelineVersion": "1"

Project Created/Activated/Inactivated/Deleted

@Since Project Events are sent when a project is Created, Activated, Inactivated, and deleted.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Project Created",
  "actor": "",
  "object": "10175",
  "timestamp": "2024-05-09 07:55:18 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "description": "HR MDS Objects",
    "active": true,
    "folder": {
      "folderId": 10714,
      "folderPath": "FlexDeploy / HumanResources / HRApp"
    "projectName": "HRMDSObjects",
    "projectId": 10175,
    "projectType": null,
    "scmType": "GIT"
Code Block
  "eventType": "Project Activated",
  "actor": "",
  "object": "81593556",
  "timestamp": "2024-05-09 07:54:06 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "description": null,
    "active": true,
    "folder": {
      "folderId": 727448,
      "folderPath": "FlexDeploy / Karl"
    "projectName": "10587",
    "projectId": 81593556,
    "projectType": "UTILITY",
    "scmType": "NONE"
Code Block
  "eventType": "Project Inactivated",
  "actor": "",
  "object": "1000909",
  "timestamp": "2024-05-09 07:56:02 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "description": "Project created with API",
    "active": true,
    "folder": {
      "folderId": 759142,
      "folderPath": "FlexDeploy / SoapUI Testing"
    "projectName": "XXHRPostman",
    "projectId": 1000909,
    "projectType": "EBS",
    "scmType": "GIT"
Code Block

  "eventType": "Project Deleted",
  "actor": "",
  "object": "65249022",
  "timestamp": "2024-05-09 07:57:34 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "description": null,
    "active": true,
    "folder": {
      "folderId": 727448,
      "folderPath": "FlexDeploy / Karl"
    "projectName": "JDBC",
    "projectId": 65249022,
    "projectType": "PARTIAL_JDBC",
    "scmType": "GIT"

Release Started

The Release Started event is triggered whenever a release is started in FlexDeploy. Common use cases can include logic you want to perform after any release is started. For example you may want to start a sprint in Jira whenever the release is started.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Release Started",
  "actor": "avnish",
  "object": "Release Build 503",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-25 13:17:08 -0500",
  "payload": {
    "release": {
      "releaseId": 236634,
      "releaseName": "Release Build 503",
      "releaseDescription": "Blackout W test"
    "startDate": 1711390628000,
    "endDate": null,
    "projects": [
        "environmentprojectId":{ 10212437,
         "projectName":  "environmentIdXXHR":11595,
         "environmentNamepackageName": "DevJavaPkg",
        "environmentCodestreamName": "DEVmaster",
        },"buildEnvironment": {
          "releaseenvironmentId":{ 11595,
          "environmentName": "releaseIdDev123":11611,
          "releaseNameenvironmentCode": "REST Release 1DEV1"
        "snapshotgroupName":{ null
    "snapshotId":104506,    {
        "snapshotNameprojectId":"07-16-2020 15:12:18",
         "snapshotStatusprojectName": "INITIATEDBuild 503",
            "descriptionpackageName": null,

Release Started

The Release Started event is triggered whenever a release is started in FlexDeploy. Common use cases can include logic you want to perform after any release is started. For example you may want to start a sprint in Jira whenever the release is started.

Code Block
{ "master",
        "eventTypebuildEnvironment":"Release Started", {
          "actorenvironmentId":"fdadmin", 223477,
          "objectenvironmentName": "testRelease503 Build",
    "timestamp      "environmentCode":"2020-08-18 16:08:48 -0500" "503BUILD"
        "payloadgroupName":{ null
  "release":{    {
        "releaseNameprojectName": "testReleaseXXHR TFVC",
        "packageName": "Pkg1",
   "releaseDescription":null     "streamName": "master",
  },      "buildEnvironment": {
 "startDate":"2020-09-18",         "endDateenvironmentId":null 418564,
          "projectsenvironmentName":[ "Development",
          "environmentCode": "DEV"
{        },
        "projectIdgroupName":440135, null
    "projectNamepipeline":"partialFile", {
        "pipelineId": 198497,
      "streamNamepipelineName": "masterPipeline Check",

Release Ended

The Release Ended event is triggered whenever a release is endedin FlexDeploy. Common use cases can include logic you want to perform after any release is ended. For example you may want to end a sprint in Jira whenever the release is ended.

Code Block
   "buildEnvironmenteventType":{ "Release Ended",
  "actor": "avnish",
  "object": "Release Build 503",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-25 13:19:00 -0500",
        "environmentNamerelease":null, {
            } "Release Build 503",
      "releaseDescription": "Blackout W test"
],    },
    "pipelinestartDate":{ 1711390628000,
      "endDate": null,
    "pipelineIdprojects":17854, [
        "pipelineNameprojectId":"DanPipeline" 10212437,
       } "projectName": "XXHR",
  } }

Release Ended

The Release Ended event is triggered whenever a release is endedin FlexDeploy. Common use cases can include logic you want to perform after any release is ended. For example you may want to end a sprint in Jira whenever the release is ended.

Code Block
{     "eventTypepackageName": "Release EndedJavaPkg",

   "actor":"fdadmin",     "objectstreamName": "testReleasemaster",
        "timestampbuildEnvironment":"2020-10-18 16:10:55 -0500", {
          "payloadenvironmentId":{ 11595,
          "releaseenvironmentName":{ "Dev123",
          "environmentCode": "releaseId":54052,DEV1"
        "releaseNamegroupName":"testRelease", null
        }"projectId": 19422906,
        "startDateprojectName":"2020-09-18 "Build 503",
        "endDatepackageName": null,
        "projectsstreamName":[ "master",
        "buildEnvironment": {
 {         "environmentId": 223477,
      "projectId":440135,    "environmentName": "503 Build",
          "projectNameenvironmentCode": "partialFile503BUILD",
        "streamNamegroupName":"master", null
        "projectId": 19667075,
          "environmentIdprojectName":null, "XXHR TFVC",
        "packageName": "Pkg1",
        "environmentNamestreamName":null "master",
        "buildEnvironment": {
          "environmentCodeenvironmentId":null 418564,
          "environmentName": "Development",
   },       "environmentCode": "DEV"
        "groupName": null
  }    }
    "pipeline": {
      "pipelineName": "DanPipeline"
   Pipeline Check"


Snapshot Completed

The Snapshot Completed event is triggered whenever a snapshot eventually completes successfully builds successfully and is entering the first stage, or fails to build.

Code Block
    "eventType":"Snapshot Completed",
    "object":"07-16-2020 15:58:59",
        "createdOn":"2020-58-16 15:58:57 -0500",
        "updatedOn":"2020-59-16 15:59:13 -0500",
            "snapshotName":"07-16-2020 15:58:59",


Code Block
    "eventType":"Workflow Completed",
    "timestamp":"2020-44-18 10:44:16 -0500",
        "createdOn":"2020-43-18 10:43:57 -0500",
        "updatedOn":"2020-44-18 10:44:16 -0500",
        "startTime":"2020-43-18 10:43:58 -0500",
        "endTime":"2020-44-18 10:44:16 -0500",
                "startTime":"2023-06-12 11:33:37 -0500",
                "endTime":"2023-06-12 11:34:13 -0500",
                                "message":"Status code is 200 - AssertionFailure - null",
                                "message":"Status code is 200 - AssertionFailure - null",
                               "testResults":[       "status":"PASSED",
   "duration":3,                               {
       "executionCount":1,                               "testCaseName":"[1]",
       "outputData":null                               "status":"PASSED",
   },                                   {"message":null,
    "duration":0,                          ]
            "executionCount":1,              }
             }   ]

Workflow Version Activated

The workflow version activated event is triggered whenever a new version is activated in a workflow.

Code Block
  "eventType": "Workflow Version Activated",
  "actor": "fdadmin",
  "object": "80017",
  "timestamp": "2024-03-12 10:33:51 -0500",
  "payload": {
   } "createdBy": "fdadmin",
    "createdOn": "2022-02-08 09:21:12 -0600",
    "updatedBy": "fdadmin",
    "updatedOn": "2022-02-08 09:25:03 -0600",
]    "workflow": {
      "workflowId": 80016,
"workflowName": "EBS Deploy",
      "workflowType": "DEPLOY",
      "workflowVersionId": ]80017
    "description": null,
 }   "workflowVersionId": 80017,
 "workflowVersion": "1.0"

Work Item Created

The Work Item Created event is triggered whenever a work item is created.
