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Field Name



Endpoint Name


The name of the Endpoint.



An optional description for the Endpoint.



Whether or not the endpoint is active in the system. Defaults to "Yes".

Connection Type


The connection type used for connection to the Endpoint. Select HTTPS for connectivity over https protocol.

Plugin process will run on HTTPS agent host and as agent process user.

When plugin process is invoked, it will not source .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile. If needed use Source Script to adjust execution environment.

Operating System


Unix or Windows



The DNS name or IP address of the Endpoint.



The HTTPS listen port of the HTTPS Agent process or proxy. This will depend on configurations of https agent, see FlexDeploy HTTPS Agent for more details.

Default port for HTTPS Agent process is 8444, which you can configure to 443 or something else as necessary.

Base Directory


A working directory on the Endpoint used by FlexDeploy. ~ is not supported here. See Permissions information below for details on how to create this folder automatically (Recommended).

For example, /app/flexdeploy.

If you have two FlexDeploy installations that may connect to same Endpoint, you must use unique folders for both FlexDeploy Servers. In most cases, separate FlexDeploy is installed to perform testing of FlexDeploy patches, which may connect to same Endpoint, in which case you can use different folder like /app/flexdeploytest and /app/flexdeploy.

Working directory under /var/tmp or /tmp folder is not recommended as administrators generally have cron jobs to purge files based on age and that will cause issues when plugin files are deleted. For example, Error: Could not find or load main class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer will be encountered when plugin lib files are deleted.


  • Base directory must be owned by user that the HTTPS agent is running as and it's group.

  • Ideal option is to point base directory where the user that the HTTPS agent is running as has access to create sub-folder. In such case, FlexDeploy will automatically create folder with necessary permissions.

  • Permissions required are 755. Keep in mind that FlexDeploy may temporarily change permissions specifically when using Run as option.

JDK Home


The JDK Home directory on the Endpoint. For example, /usr. FlexDeploy will look for /bin/java under specified JDK Home folder.

Disable Hostname Verification


Turn off hostname verification. Allows any domain/hostname for HTTPS Agent certificate.

Source Script 


An optional script executed right before plugins are executed on the endpoint. Script can source some other environment script as well. Script should be Unix shell or Windows bat commands depending on type of Endpoint. If using Windows Cygwin SSH then script should be written as Unix shell.

Some usages of this script include sourcing an environment file (. $HOME/mfile.env)  or exporting a variable (export FLEXAGON_FD_PLUGIN_JAVA_ARGS="-Xmx1024m"). Variables exported here will become available to plugin executions on this endpoint.

Max Concurrent Executions


Sets a limit on the number of concurrent executions on this endpoint. If not specified, the default of 5 will be used.



The user account on the Endpoint to connect with.



The password for the Username.
